Roseau, Dominica: The vaccination team at the Roseau Health Centre has been doing critical work for more than two weeks now, and the Sagicor team, as an act of kindness provided lunch to the entire team on Friday 26th February and Friday 2nd March.
Cheryl Rolle, General Manager and Principal Representative for Sagicor Life Eastern Caribbean Inc shared this story of how the idea started, “I drive or walk by the Health Centre almost every day and I can see the team there, providing vaccines from early in the morning to late in the evening and it popped into my head, we should do lunch for them so they don’t have to worry about it.”
Cheryl decided she would cook the meal, and she solicited the support of her team to visit the Health Centre to deliver and distribute the meals. “It was a great success,” Cheryl said proudly, “In addition chicken pelau, we also did some shrimp paella to ensure that those observing Lent could stick to their commitment. The vaccination team was very happy and appreciative and as a result we decided to do it again on the following Friday.”
This small activity also kicks off 180 Acts of Kindness that Sagicor is committed to doing across its markets in 2021 to celebrate the companies 180th’s birthday. During the year, the Sagicor teams in Antigua, Dominica, Grenada, St Kitts and Nevis, St Lucia and St Vincent and the Grenadines will perform Acts of Kindness in a bid to share joy and goodwill during this historical time.
Cheryl encouraged others to get involved. She said, “2021 can be a turning point for all of us, as we work together to get Dominica to herd immunity. Let’s all see what we can do to make this time easier for our frontline workers, who have been in the thick of it for months now. I am hopeful other companies and other civic minded individuals are open to getting involved.”
In the photo, a nurse at the Roseau Health Centre receives Sagicor’s contribution from Cheryl Rolle, General Manager and Principal Representative and Waylan Nicholas.
About Sagicor Life (Eastern Caribbean) Inc
Sagicor is a leading financial services provider in the Caribbean, with over 175-years of history, and has a growing presence as a provider of life insurance products in the United States. Sagicor offers a wide range of products and services, including life, health, and general insurance, banking, pensions, annuities and real estate. Sagicor’s registered office is located at Clarendon House, 2 Church Street, Hamilton, HM 11, Bermuda with its principal office located at Cecil F De Caires Building, Wildey, St Michael, Barbados. Sagicor Life Eastern Caribbean Inc. (SLECI) is a subsidiary of the Sagicor Financial Corporation with registered offices in St Lucia.
Additional information about Sagicor can be obtained by visiting www.sagicor.com