Roseau, Dominica- September 7, 2021: At a meeting of Cabinet held on Tuesday, September 7, 2021, Cabinet approved further amendments to the Environmental Health Services (COVID-19) Regulations S.R. & O 26 of 2021 to take effect from Wednesday, September 8, 2021.
Subject to adherence to strict health and safety protocols, including physical distancing, sanitizing of hands, wearing of masks and other protocols to be published by the Chief Medical Officer;
*Restaurants are allowed to reopen for dining.
*gyms, gaming establishments and bars are also allowed to reopen for
*bars are to open only for purchase and pick-up and there shall be no music, congregating or consumption of alcohol on the premises.
*All nightclubs will remain closed.
Businesses will be subject to monitoring by the Ministry of Health, Wellness & New Health Investment. All protocols will be circulated for the information of businesses and the public.
The public is encouraged to practice all safety measures to reduce the risk of infection and to get tested and vaccinated to prevent the spread of COVID-19