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Recruiter pleased to see cruise hiring still booming

Recruiter pleased to see cruise hiring still booming

SANTO DOMINGO, 3 February, 2023 — The CEO of a Barbados-based recruitment service is lauding a recent cruise hiring spree in the Dominican Republic as a positive development amid tourism’s recovery, saying that he hopes the trend continues in the future.

“It bodes well for the country, and many tourism-reliant Caribbean nations, that major cruise liners are hiring hundreds of people and cruises are coming back,” said Joseph Boll, Caribbean Employment Services Inc. CEO. “Cruise liners have had a positive relationship with the Caribbean from before the pandemic, and it’s great to see that mutually beneficial relationship returning with the bounceback of tourism.”

Caribbean Employment Services Inc. is a market-leading digital talent acquisition service that aims to connect the top talent from the Caribbean with hiring managers, HR professionals and decision-makers in companies both within the Caribbean as well as abroad. Further, it aims to provide the region’s jobseekers and those who are already employed with news and resources related to Caribbean labour.

Boll’s comments come as, most recently, MSC cruise line held several job fairs and interview sessions in the Dominican Republic, for positions ranging from entry-level and straight through to management. The company said it was prioritizing multilingual candidates to work aboard its cruise ships. The job fairs followed similar hiring sprees undertaken by cruise companies in the Caribbean since last summer.

“This trend is likely to continue as cruises get back into their full glory, and we hope to see it,” Boll added. “It would mean good news for Caribbean countries that rely on tourism. While most governments are diversifying away from tourism, having learned hard lessons from the pandemic, tourism is still expected to play a significant role in the future, so the more jobs it can provide — both directly and indirectly — will be a boon for local economies.”

Countries including Antigua, The Bahamas, Barbados, Jamaica, Trinidad & Tobago and more have all had their fair share of major cruise lines visiting to hire hundreds of workers at a time since last summer. Additionally, while financial experts and organizations have encouraged Caribbean economies to get a better handle on informal jobs, which grew exponentially over the last year thanks to the impact of the pandemic, the informal sector — comprising jobs like tour operators and other vendors — is also expected to benefit from a boom in cruise tourism as an increase in tourists would translate into more business for this sector.

About Caribbean Employment Services Inc.

Caribbean Employment Services Inc., based in Barbados, is one of the market-leading online talent acquisition services, specializing in helping businesses and organizations recruit the best candidates for their roles and job seekers find their ideal position. For international and national employers looking to source the best talent from the Caribbean region and from the United States into their Caribbean businesses, we offer a range of recruitment solutions, all developed to find the right candidates for their roles. Find out more at or contact [email protected].

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