Dominica was officially rededicated to the Lord at a rededication service held at the Windsor Park Sports Stadium on Sunday, under the theme ‘A Call to Repentance: To Love and Serve God’.
The ceremony which was sponsored by the Ministry of Ecclesiastical Affairs, Family and Gender Affairs was held under the auspices of His Excellency the President of Dominica and his wife and the Honourable Prime Minister.
Also in attendance were the speaker of the House of Assembly, the Opposition leader and other members of Parliament. Pastor Jodi Andrew of SALT Ministries encouraged all to return to God, to show love and put away revelling.
There was an act of repentance and the rededication (symbolic handing over of the country) all performed by His Excellency Charles A. Savarin. During the closing prayer, Pastor Petterson Benjamin laid hands on the President, the Prime Minister and the Opposition Leader and prayed for them.
The first event of its kind was held fifteen years ago in April 2004.