The Government of Dominica held a national consultation to discuss the possible impact of COVID-19 on the country. Stakeholders from civil society, the clergy, and the private sector were all invited to be part of the consultation.
Prime Minister, Hon. Roosevelt Skerrit, called for all Dominicans to cooperate during this time. He said, “We all will be called upon to go beyond the call of duty and beyond the written tenets of any working agreement or contract”.
He said further that the persons who we will be treating may be our family members or visitors bringing much needed foreign exchange, therefore what we need now are not battles but national cooperation.
The Prime Minister cautioned Mr. Letang (General Secretary of the Dominica Public Service Union) in particular not to overdo in his excitement. He said however, that Government is mindful of the stated concerns and will take note with a view to addressing and resolving in the period ahead.
The Prime Minister made these comments in response to the Dominica Public Service Union statement that the Unions should have been involved in the decision making process at an earlier time as well as information should be disseminated to the union appropriately and not on the whims and fancies of individuals. Further, since it is likely that public officers may have to endure changes to the terms and conditions of their employment, this ought to be negotiated with the union.
Kertiste Augustus of the Waterfront and Allied Workers Union also called for employers to engage the union and also to put in place precautionary measures to ensure the safety of employees.The National Consultation was held on Friday 13, March at the Goodwill Parish Hall.