The Office of Disaster Management (ODM) website has undergone a radical makeover!
Today, the ODM launched an innovative, modern, informative and responsive website in partnership with the Commonwealth of Learning (COL) and the Climate Resilience Execution Agency for Dominica (CREAD).
In time for the 2022 Hurricane Season, the overhauled ODM website will now serve as a locally hosted open- source content management platform and a one-stop shop for all information related to emergency readiness and disaster preparedness. This project ran over an eight-month period and produced a dynamic website comparable to international standards.
Some of the many new interactive features include:
- A Hurricane Shelter map
- Easier access to electronic media
- Improved search engine optimization (SEO)
- A dedicated section designed to teach youth about hazards and preparedness
- A comprehensive Hazards segment Additionally, the revamped website also includes the redesign of the corporate logo to reflect a more contemporary and graphic expression of what the ODM represents, paving the way for a revived and refreshed overall image. Designer of the revitalized logo and website is Dominican Christopher Labassiere who said: “I went into the development of the new ODM website with this mindset…a successful website does three things: 1. It attracts the right kinds of visitors 2. It guides them to the main services or product you offer 3. It collects contact details for future ongoing relations. For which I have checked all three boxes. It was indeed a positive process to not only develop the website, but to also develop a brand identity for the ODM, a much-needed visual presence in modern marketing.” In speaking on the partnership between COL and Dominica, Dr. Mairette Newman, Education Specialist, Virtual University for Small States of the Commonwealth (VUSSC) said COL believes that resilience to climate change requires a climate-literate citizenry and that education is a critical agent in propelling climate action. “With COL’s support and in partnership with CREAD, the ODM website now provides up-to-date information and
resources to help citizens understand climate change, learn about disaster preparedness, and ultimately become more resilient. This is another important step in Dominica’s journey to becoming a fully climate resilient nation by 2030 and COL is happy to have had a role in building public awareness and increasing resilience.”
Meanwhile, CREAD’s CEO, Francine Baron said CREAD is delighted to be a part of such an important and impactful initiative. “I am pleased with the work done to improve the ODM website since it serves among other things, as an official news and information source on climatic events, emergency readiness, disaster preparedness and response. The new ODM website certainly has greater appeal and functionality now, which will go a long way in the search, selection and distribution of critical data.”
National Disaster Coordinator (ag) Mandela Christian noted: “The ODM is grateful for the partnership with COL and CREAD to enhance the website and to strengthen this information sharing platform on Comprehensive Disaster Management and thank them for this intervention. The public will have access to a website that is more user friendly to support their preparedness planning.” He also extended appreciation to the staff of the ODM for their contribution in making this project a success.
ODM can be found at www.odm.gov.dm. Visit today!