Dominica Editor's Choice



The Office of Disaster Management (ODM) commenced training in Emergency Shelter Management on Monday June 29, 2020.

Radio Communication training will begin on Thursday July 2nd.

These trainings will continue over the two-month period of July and August and are designed to accommodate shelter teams from across Dominica comprising the seven Districts of Portsmouth/North; Castle Bruce/East; Grand Bay/South; St Joseph/West; Marigot/North East; La Plaine/South East; Roseau/South West; and the Kalinago Territory.


The first week of training will take place in the Eastern District of Castle Bruce to include the communities of Castle Bruce, Tronto, San Sauveur, Good Hope and Petite Soufriere.

The shelter management training will cover key areas such as the composition of the shelter team; responsibilities of shelter managers and support team; activation and closure protocol for emergency shelters; supplies and equipment required in shelters; catering for persons and groups with specific protection needs and gender differences and sheltering needs, among others. Importantly, the guidelines for use and management of shelters during COVID-19 Pandemic will be outlined.

If you are planning to use a public emergency shelter during the hurricane season, here are a few guidelines specific to COVID-19 to keep in mind:

  • Everyone should wear masks in public shelter
  • Frequent handwashing or use of hand sanitizers/rubbing alcohol (70%) will be encouraged
  • Shelter managers are expected to enforce adherence to hygiene guidelines as stipulated by the Ministry of Health, Wellness and New Health Investment
  • Shelterees should avoid close contact with anyone showing symptoms of respiratory illness
  • Anyone who begins to show symptoms of COVID-19 will be separated from the main area and be placed in the designated isolation section; In some shelters, where isolation is not possible, temporary barriers will be used for separation
  • For sleeping purposes, cots should be at least 6 feet apart. Cots will be arranged in alternating ‘head-to-toe’ arrangements to reduce transmission of any communicable diseases   Persons will be separated in the shelters by household, as much as possible.

The ODM is reminding the public to have a plan and put measures in place to reduce the impact of tropical cyclone activity on their lives and property in the event that the island is affected this year.

Preparedness is key. Therefore, as we go through the hurricane season remember to:

  • Check emergency supplies and store valuables and important documents in waterproof containers
  • Pack non-perishable food items and water (1 gallon per day per person) and include necessary medication
  • Have an evacuation plan (keep in mind family members who have special needs) and important contact information
  • Now is the time to know where your emergency shelter is located
  • Have material and tools on hand to protect windows and doors
  • Keep waterways clear, including drains near your homes, to reduce flooding
  • Evacuate early if orders are given by the authorities
  • Inspect your property and ensure that trees that hang over your home or could pose a danger are cut down
  • Check on the condition of the roof of your homes and businesses

For more information on safety tips for all natural hazards and the hurricane emergency shelters list visit the ODM’s website at or Facebook page: @ODMDominica1 or call 611-4412 / 448-7777.

Be prepared. Be safe.

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