The Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) has taken a bold step towards a cleaner and economically sustainable future with the unanimous adoption of the landmark Basseterre Declaration at the Third Council of Ministers: Energy meeting held on February 4-5, 2025, in Saint Kitts and Nevis.
The Basseterre Declaration establishes the OECS Decade of Action for Sustainable Energy Development 2025-2035. Ministers have committed to achieving universal access to affordable, resilient, and reliable clean energy solutions across all Member States. The ambitious but practical agenda includes substantially increasing renewable energy generation capacity through solar, wind, geothermal, and green hydrogen projects specifically tailored to regional needs.
The Decade of Action pledges tangible benefits for all OECS citizens:
- Lower energy costs: By reducing dependency on imported fossil fuels and adopting more energy efficiency, households and businesses can expect to spend less on energy.
- Job creation: The sustainable energy transition will create new employment opportunities in renewable energy services, energy efficiency, e-mobility, and the green building sectors.
- Enhanced resilience: Diversifying energy sources and building more robust energy infrastructure will strengthen the region’s ability to withstand natural disasters and economic shocks.
- Economic growth: Redirecting funds from fuel imports to local investments will stimulate economic development across various sectors.
The success of this initiative relies on collaboration between governments, private sector entities, and communities. The OECS Commission has been mandated to develop an OECS Sustainable Energy Greenprint, a comprehensive roadmap for action, advocacy, awareness, and progress monitoring throughout the Decade. This is directly aligned with the OECS Sustainable Energy Framework and builds on progress made through initiatives such as the Eastern Caribbean Solar Challenge and the OECS GEOBUILD geothermal energy development programme. These efforts ultimately contribute to the goal of clean and indigenous energy transforming and driving development in the OECS.
The Basseterre Declaration comes at a pivotal moment when renewable energy is projected to become the world’s leading source of electricity generation this year, supplying more than one-third of global electricity needs, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA).
The ministers have called upon regional and international partners, private sector entities, financial institutions, and academic organisations to support this transformative agenda through technical cooperation, investment, and knowledge sharing.
The sustainable energy transition represents a transformative opportunity for the economic reinvention of our region and stands as the unquestioned moonshot for Caribbean development, the Basseterre Declaration states, emphasising that this transition is not merely an environmental imperative but a socio-economic necessity to enhance resilience and reduce dependency on imported fossil fuels.
Basseterre Declaration of the OECS Decade of Action for Sustainable Energy Development
Third Meeting, February 4-5, 2025
ACKNOWLEDGING that sustainable energy development represents a transformative opportunity for the economic reinvention of our region and stands as the unquestioned moonshot for Caribbean development;
FURTHER ACKNOWLEDGING that 2025 marks a pivotal moment as renewable energy is predicted to become the world’s leading source of electricity generation, supplying more than one-third of global electricity needs;
RECOGNIZING that the conclusion of the United Nations Decade of Sustainable Energy for All (2014-2024) creates an opportunity for the OECS to assume regional leadership in sustainable energy development;
REAFFIRMING the outcomes of the landmark Fourth International Conference on Small Island Developing States hosted in Antigua and Barbuda in May 2024, which highlighted the urgent need for sustainable energy solutions in small island developing states;
AWARE that our region’s sustainable energy transition is not just an environmental imperative but a socio-economic necessity to enhance resilience, reduce dependency on imported fossil fuels, affirm energy sovereignty, and create new pathways for economic growth and diversification;
PERSUADED that sustainable energy development will propel the enterprise and creativity of our people through the creation of opportunities for new business ventures in renewable energy services, mobility, energy efficiency, and green buildings and the enhancement of commercial, industrial, economic and trade competitiveness;
NOTING the significant progress made through initiatives such as the OECS Sustainable Energy Framework, the Eastern Caribbean Solar Challenge, and the GEOBUILD geothermal energy development programme inter alia;
THE ESTABLISHMENT of the OECS Decade of Action for Sustainable Energy Development (2025-2035) to intensify regional and national awareness, heighten global visibility and promote advocacy for a transformative and sustainable energy landscape in the Eastern Caribbean.
ACHIEVE universal access to affordable, resilient, and reliable clean energy solutions across all OECS Member States;
SUBSTANTIALLY INCREASE renewable energy generation capacity through solar, wind, geothermal, and green hydrogen projects tailored to regional needs;
IMPLEMENT comprehensive measures to enhance energy efficiency in homes, industries, and public institutions, fostering attitudinal and behavioural change to reduce overall consumption and costs;
STRENGTHEN partnerships among Member States, public and private sector stakeholders, and regional and international organisations to share knowledge, best practices, policy models, and resources
CREATE robust platforms for public awareness campaigns, regional fora, and training initiatives that empower individuals, communities, and organisations to adopt sustainable energy practices;
PROMOTE the OECS as an accomplished leader and credible voice in the renewable energy space to attract domestic, regional, and international investments;
URGE all stakeholders to embrace this Decade as an opportunity to accelerate the sustainable energy transition through innovation, collaboration, and decisive action;
CALL UPON regional and international partners, private sector entities, financial institutions, and academic and research organisations to support this transformative agenda through technical cooperation, investment, and knowledge sharing;
MANDATE the OECS Commission to develop and implement a comprehensive framework for advocacy, awareness, and monitoring and evaluating progress throughout the Decade, ensuring accountability and measurable impact in achieving our sustainable energy objectives.
Adopted at Basseterre, Saint Kitts and Nevis
February 5, 2025