The Nature Isle Toastmasters Club (NITC) of Dominica inaugurated its new executive members for the year 2021-2022 on June 24, 2021after successfully achieving the President Distinguished Award for the year 2020/2021 which ended on June 30th,2020.
Our newly elected President, Anthony Durand, together with his executive, has promised that members continue on a path of continuous improvement to achieve their goals, while keeping in mind their Toastmasters core values of Integrity, Respect, Service, and Excellence. Toastmaster Durand will ensure that NITC provides value to its members through the provision of continuous developmental training.
The Nature Isle Toastmasters Club provides a learning experience in a supportive environment that empowers its members to enhance their communication and leadership skills. NITC has again demonstrated its resilience by overcoming many of the challenges faced during the Covid-19 pandemic. NITC has displayed its ability to accept changing circumstances, and embrace the opportunities available even in times of challenges, to continue meetings via zoom.
This new Zoom environment provided an opportunity for much-needed learning for club members to interact
with other clubs all across the globe virtually. The highlight of the virtual experience was the opportunity to attend the Toastmasters International Convention. Toastmasters International President DTM Richard Peck grabbed the virtual opportunity and was able to visit several clubs during his reign 2020/2021, which included NITC.

Incoming executive members for 2021/2022 are as follows:
President: TM Anthony Durand
Vice President Education: TM Evetlyn Durand
Vice President Membership: TM Sanjay Dominique
Vice President Public Relations: TM Fearn Jno Baptiste
Secretary: TM Mellisa Graham
Treasurer: TM Cecilia Christmas
Sergeant-at-Arms: TM Kimara Matthew
Immediate Past President: TM Cecilia Christmas
For the first time ever, The Nature Isle Toastmasters club will have three of its members serving as Caribbean
leaders in District 81, in the capacity of Area Directors.

TM Evetlyn Durand – Area Director for Area 15 – Dominica & St. Lucia
TM Cecilia Christmas – Area Director for Area 16- St. Vincent
TM Fredericka Alexander Durand – Area Director for Area 46 – Grenada
As we continue to celebrate our achievements, we recognize DTM Rosemary Sweeney who served Division C in District 81 as Division Director for the year 2020-2021. Another great accomplishment was having District Director DTM Brenda Maynard, a Dominican from Paix Bouche living in Saint Maarten, was able for the first time to achieve the highest award for District 81, the Smedley Distinguished Award. Hats off to DTM IPDD Brenda Maynard.
Toastmasters continue to lead the way in communication and leadership training. Moving forward, the club intends to utilize the hybrid meeting format which provides the opportunity for overseas members who are unable to meet face to face to do so virtually.
Are you interested in visiting NITC?
Contact us at Tel# (767) 617-7950. The Nature Isle Toastmasters Club (NITC) meets every 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month from 6:00 pm. For more information about the club, meetings, and events please visit our Facebook Page or the website https://natureisle.toastmastersclubs.org.