Fashion steps onto the limelight as a surprising yet powerful tool for integration. It celebrates cultural diversity, fosters a sense of belonging, and enriches the na4on’s cultural fabric. A local entrepreneur took the initiative, creating “Dominica’s Next Supermodel/Dominica’s Next Male Model” (DNSM) to diversify the faces of fashion and modeling in Dominica. This year, for the first time, four migrants participated.

Today we explore the stories of Peterson Marius, Louvaincy Acceus, Yaimiara Ana Hernandez Fuentes, and Cobensky Filsaime – aspiring models who participated in DNSM. A vibrant showcase of the power of fashion to bridge cultural divides and empower newcomers in Dominica.

Peterson Marius

Dominica welcomed Marius in 2019. He, along with his younger brother, joined their mother who had built a new life here three years prior, having emigrated from Hai4. The island’s beauty quickly captured his heart, even as Dominican Creole, with its unique twists on Haitian Creole, initially posed a challenge. “The way they phrase things can completely change the meaning,” Marius explains with a smile.

A recent high school graduate, Marius found Dominica an easy place to adapt to. His love for fashion led him to the DNSM competition. While securing sponsors for the event was not a breeze, the camaraderie he’s found with his fellow models has become a true source of joy.

Louvaincy Acceus

Following in his father’s footsteps was not just an aspiration for Acceus, it was a destiny that led him to Dominica. Years earlier, his father, a successful entrepreneur with two thriving businesses, had settled here. Acceus joined him at nine years old, already harbouring dreams of replicating his father’s success.

Dominica’s ini4al embrace came with challenges. The language barrier demanded quick adaptation, both at school and in daily life. “It was tough,” Acceus admits, “but Dominica offered peace and freedom. I joined a football team and a dance group – anything to connect.” This island became his home, a place where he felt he truly belonged.

The modeling competition presented an opportunity to highlight not just himself, but also his family’s legacy. Kings Garment, his father’s successful business, became a driving force for his participation. “My father built this,” Acceus explains, a touch of pride in his voice. “After he passed away, I became the face of the business. People call me ‘King’s son’ everywhere I go, and that inspires me to make him proud and carve my own path.” Acceus captured the “Best Colour Block Fashion” and “Best RococoPunk Fashion” awards and placed first runner-up.

Yaimara Ana Hernandez Fuentes

A breath of fresh air, both literally and figuratively, awaited Yaimiara Ana Hernandez Fuentes when she arrived in Dominica less than a year ago. Hailing from Cuba, she craved the experience of living in an English-speaking country and immersing herself in a new culture. The strong diplomatic ties between Dominica and Cuba provided the perfect springboard for her move. “Dominica’s greenery hit me the moment I opened my window,” Hernandez-Fuentes laughs, “such a vibrant place!” The abundance of fresh produce in the open markets also came as a delightful surprise.

Like any new environment, Dominica presented its own set of adjustments. Hernandez-Fuentes quickly found a welcoming community, forging friendships with kind and helpful locals. Landing a server job at a local restaurant further solidified her sense of belonging. Hernandez-Fuentes, with over a decade of experience in Cuba’s fashion and art scene, jumped at the chance to participate in the DNSM competition. The biggest hurdle? Striking a balance between her two jobs and the demands of preparing for the show. “Supporting my family back in Cuba while establishing myself here can be stressful at 4mes,” she admits.

Cobensky Filsaime

A product of the vibrant Caribbean diaspora, Cobensky Filsaime embodies the spirit of cultural exchange. Born in Cuba and raised in Haiti, Dominica became his home when he arrived for high school. While ini4al integration presented some challenges, Filsaime’s perseverance and openness helped him find his place on the island.

Fashion had always held a special allure for Filsaime. Inspired by models in Cuba and a family member in Hai4, he dreamt of taking center stage himself.“ I used to watch people modeling before in Cuba, in Haiti I have a family member who modelled, I wanted to do that,” explains Filsaime. His friends, recognizing his unique style, enthusiastically encouraged him to participate in the DNSM competition. The road was not always smooth, with a last-minute sponsor loss adding to the pre-show hurdles.

Fashion bridges cultures! It empowers migrants, celebrates their styles, and fosters inclusion. This vibrant exchange can fuel economic growth and foster respect. By embracing migrant threads, societies weave a richer and more unified cultural tapestry, a vibrant testament to human creativity. Imagine a world where every runway reflects the richness of our global village

– a dazzling display of unity woven from diverse threads. Let fashion be a bridge that leads us there.

Photo Credit: Charles Louis Photography:  Migrants Peterson Marius, Louvaincy Acceus, Yaimara Ana Hernandez Fuentes and Cobinsky Filsaime participate in Dominica’s Next Super Model / Dominica’s Next Male Model competition, June 15, 2024 – Segment 2 “Colour Block Fashion”. 

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