The Central Cooperative Credit Union Limited(CCCUL) has once again awarded scholarships to deserving students in fulfilling its social responsibility to the community. The CCCUL has awarded 2 merit scholarships and 2 scholarships based on need. In light of the financial difficulties brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, the organization has gone a step further and decided to give a contribution to four more students.
This year’s recipients are Kennilee Baron, Ashton Alexander, Kermit Robinson, Samarah Volney, Gabrielle George, Iwanna Timothy, Christalyn Burgins and Johnathan Brumant. President of the CCCUL, Mrs. Laurina Vidal Telemaque commended the students on their determination to excel academically in the face of adversity.
She said, “Students, there is no doubt that you are in fact very intelligent and resilient and in this century more than ever before, being intelligent and resilient is necessary because of our current environment in an almost entirely revolutionary sphere and that requires that you be equipped to solve a while range of new problems”.
She admonished the students not to let their desire for instant gratification hinder their development or their achievements. Neither should they allow extracurricular activities or fun activities get in the way of their academic pursuits.
“Your education is the most important thing. It is the springboard which you will use to navigate through your life”, Telemaque said.
The students expressed thanks to the institution and promised to perform to the best of their ability to make themselves, their parents and Central Cooperative Credit Union proud.
CCCUL’s mission is to maximize benefits by providing cost effective financial services for their economic and social well being. This year marks the 13th year that the CCCUL has been giving scholarships to Dominica’s youth.