Dominica Education Editor's Choice

Inspiring Speech by Sidney John at Portsmouth Secondary School Graduation

Inspiring Speech by Sidney John at Portsmouth Secondary School Graduation

Portsmouth, June 27, 2024 — The Portsmouth Secondary School’s graduation ceremony was marked by an inspiring and motivational speech delivered by Sidney John, the keynote speaker and former valedictorian of the class of 2016. Addressing the graduates with a heartfelt and engaging message, John emphasized the importance of defining personal success, working hard, and staying resilient in the face of life’s challenges.

Reflecting on his journey since his own graduation eight years ago, John recounted his experiences and the lessons he learned along the way. He cautioned graduates against measuring success by others’ standards, instead urging them to determine what success means to them personally. “Success is a very personal concept, and it varies from person to person,” John stated. “Follow whatever path will make you happy, do not care about what anybody else thinks.”

John’s speech resonated with the audience as he stressed the significance of hard work and smart work. He shared his struggles and failures, using them to illustrate the necessity of setting clear goals and being disciplined. “There are many ways to make fast, easy money,” he warned, “but make no mistake, the consequences that come with fast money are very often unpleasant.”

One of the most poignant moments of the speech was when John discussed the importance of resilience. He recounted a personal anecdote from his first year at school, where he learned a valuable lesson about responsibility after forgetting to write his name on a test paper. “What will make you a truly great person will be the way that you embrace hard times, the way you work through hard times, and ultimately the way you bounce back from the hard times that will come,” he encouraged.

John also highlighted the significance of continuous learning and remaining open to new experiences. “Do not ever get into the mindset that you are too smart or too experienced to learn something new,” he advised. “Every single person you meet throughout the journey that we call life will have something to teach you.”

In closing, John tied his message back to the graduation theme of SPARK: Success, Passion, Ambition, Resilience, and Knowledge. He urged the graduates to ignite a bright future for themselves by embodying these attributes in their lives. “You have what it takes to ignite a bright future for yourself, your family, and your country,” he concluded, prompting a standing ovation from the audience.

The ceremony, attended by proud families and friends, ended on a high note with loud applause for the graduates, who were celebrated for their achievements and encouraged to pursue their dreams with determination and resilience.

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