
Individual Arrested For Hosting Illegal Event; Police Calls On Public To Continue To Comply With SRO15 Requirements

Individual Arrested For Hosting Illegal Event; Police Calls On Public To Continue To Comply With SRO15 Requirements

According to the Police, one individual from the town of Portsmouth was arrested and prosecuted for hosting an event without first seeking approval from the Police Chief. The individual was fined EC $2000, after pleading guilty to the charge.

Police Chief, Lincoln Corbette reminds persons wishing to hold events that they must obtain permission from the Police Chief in writing to hold any large public gathering. He said that SRO 15 prohibits persons from promoting, hosting or attending any large gathering without written expressed permission from the police chief.

He said that it has been obersrved that organizers have been promoting events without prior approval from the Chief and he is  calling on persons to desist immediately.


Corbette says that he will not grant permission to hold any event on any public road or in any area where it appears that patrons will not be properly managed.

“I won’t permit any jump up, any street activities in any public place where the crowd cannot be properly managed”, he said.

Corbette took the opportunity to remind everyone that carnival celebrations have been cancelled and anyone found hosting, advertising or attending these events will be prosecuted.

“I have noticed that on Facebook and social media some people have been advertising and people have been promoting. I want to ask them to cease and desist from this practice as it is an unlawful practice and you will find yourself being prosecuted for this activity”, he warned.

The Chief said further that he has instructed his officers to arrest and charge persons who fail to comply with SRO 40  which makes it a criminal offence not to wear a mask in a public place.  He said that while the fee of $75 may be a small fine, persons may find themselves having a criminal record for something as simple as not wearing a mask. Therefore he is calling on persons to comply.

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Emo News Editors

1 Comment

    Has Corbette forgotten that we the citizens have constitutional rights, rights which are not to be superseded by any other law. Lets not forget that we have the freedom of assembly; the freedom of association. So this heavy handed approach of dealing with we the people is that which is illegal. Human rights violations which are crimes against humanity is what should be his concerns.

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