The Ministry of Blue and Green Economy, Agriculture and National Food Security will enter into an agreement with the Peoples Republic of China on Friday July 29th 2022, to strengthen the cooperation for the exploration of the Blue Economy resources and to create value from the various potential resource streams for the realization of greater economic opportunities for citizens of the Commonwealth of Dominica.
The Government of Dominica recognizes that beyond the country’s tourism, trading and fisheries sectors, the ocean hosts a number of emerging industries, such as offshore wind, tidal and wave energy, aquaculture, seabed mining and marine biotechnology. To take full potential of the opportunities for the Blue Economy, February, 2022, Cabinet approved a National Blue Economy Roadmap. The opportunity to create more value from existing and new resource streams, in the widest sense, is of high interest to the Government of Dominica and developmental partners.
The Peoples Republic of China has offered a partnership opportunity that will deepen cooperation between the two countries through the expansion and further exploration of blue economy resources. The partnership framework has a five (5)-year framework that will promote sustainable and integrated use of marine resources for economic growth, improved livelihoods, and job generation while preserving the health of ocean ecosystems, for the transformative benefit of both parties. The MOU on Deepening Blue Economy Cooperation between Dominica and the People’s Republic of China will catalyse the capital investment and capacity building required to help Dominica unleash the potential of coastal and ocean-based economic sectors for the long-term benefit of all its people and to support its economic and social recovery from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

As usual about her MOU that is mou mou and is very broad and non specific
Dominica that like a little spec of sand compared to China, what China interested in dominica for? A country that go n take out fishes fishermen catch, open their mouth n swabbing saying they testing d fishes for covid. Go in ppl yard and uproot their crops they had growing saying is for covid. Throw how much food in supermarkets, throw how much eggs n created a food crisis in their country. They can never want anything good for dominica.