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Fine Foods Inc partners with Marigot and Portsmouth health districts for Paddlers Baby Tour 2023

Fine Foods Inc partners with Marigot and Portsmouth health districts for Paddlers Baby Tour 2023

In observance of World Immunization Week 2023, Fine Foods Inc partnered with the Marigot and Portsmouth Health District to distribute Paddlers baby products part of its Paddlers Baby Tour 2023.

The aim of this year’s World Immunization Week was to highlight the collective action needed to protect people from vaccine-preventable diseases. Under the theme ‘The Big Catch-Up’, World Health Organization is working with partners to accelerate rapid progress in countries to ensure more people, particularly children, are protected from preventable diseases. With this mind, the Marigot and Portsmouth health districts held a “Mop Up” campaign to get children up to date on their vaccines. They visited family homes and district health centers to administer vaccines, as well as provide valuable information about vaccination and encouraged parents to visit their health centers to get their children vaccinated.

Fine Foods Inc welcomed the opportunity to journey along to distribute baby products to mothers under the Paddlers brand. All mothers received a care package containing different stages of Paddlers baby diapers, wipes, and product information. Donations were also made to the health centers to provide to other mothers who would visit on child care day for vaccination.


Brand Coordinator Mrs. Jemina Marie stated, “Fine Foods Inc is very elated to partner with the health districts for this campaign and to donate baby products and valuable information about the brand and quality of the products to the mothers.” Fine Foods Inc has been distributing Paddlers island wide since 2020 and this is the second year conducting the Paddlers Baby Tour. Paddlers baby diapers contain a protective and leak-free structure and breathable outer layer that seals liquid from outside while allowing skin to breathe. Paddlers baby wipes are alcohol free and contain vitamins E. Paddlers baby shampoo has a tear free formula.

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