Dominica Editor's Choice

F&F International Supports Education with a donation to Soufriere / Scotts Head / Gallion Village Council

F&F International Supports Education with a donation to Soufriere / Scotts Head / Gallion Village Council

F&F International, a company owned by two sisters based in the USA with deep roots in the community, has made a generous donation to the Soufriere / Scotts Head / Gallion Village Council. The company donated 14 school bags with school supplies as part of its commitment to supporting education and local youth.

The donation is aimed at providing needed support to families within the community and easing the financial burden associated with purchasing school supplies. By providing students with necessary items such as notebooks, pencils, pens, rulers, and erasers among others, F&F International hopes to contribute towards fostering an environment where every child has access to quality education.

“We are happy to give back to our community by supporting the educational needs of our young students,” said Deborah & Esther of F&F International. “As a company with deep roots in this village, we understand the importance of investing in our future generations. This donation reflects our ongoing commitment to making a positive impact on local education.”

The Soufriere / Scotts Head / Gallion Village Council expressed their appreciation for this generous contribution from F&F International and emphasized how it will benefit students within their

This initiative underscores F&F International’s dedication as an active corporate citizen committed to
enriching society through philanthropic efforts.

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