The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is organizing the first-everGlobal Conference on Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization, with the theme “Efficiency, Inclusiveness and Resilience,” from 27 to 29 September 2023.
The event, which will take place in hybrid form at FAO’s headquarters in Rome, will provide a neutral forum for FAO Members, farmers, universities, agricultural scientists, mechanization service providers, development agencies, policy makers, extension specialists, civil society, opinion leaders and the private sector to conduct focused dialogues to prioritize actions and strengthen technical networks for the sustainable development of agricultural mechanization.
Over 6 500 registrants from around the world have already confirmed their participation. High-level participants include FAO Director-General QU Dongyu, Italy’s Minister of Agriculture, Food Sovereignty and Forests, Francesco Lollobrigida, Zambia’s Minister for Agriculture, Mtolo Phiri, and Mohan Priyadarshana De Silva, State Minister of Agriculture, Sri Lanka.
The discussions will focus on seven themes: mechanization for sustainable crop production; post-harvest management and agro-processing; climate change and resilience; digitalization and automation; supply chains and standards; business models and multi-stakeholder engagement; enabling environment for sustainable agricultural mechanization and digitalization.
The objectives of the conference are:
- Increase awareness of the contribution of Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization (SAM) in implementing the FAO Strategic Framework 2022-31 and attaining the Sustainable Development Goals at global, regional and national levels.
- Share information and knowledge on the strategic direction and technical developments in SAM worldwide.
- Demonstrate FAO’s technical leadership and convening power to support its Members in leveraging on SAM as an important pillar in the transformation towards sustainable agrifood systems.
- Provide a neutral platform and strengthen technical networks on SAM for demand-driven and context-specific multi-stakeholder dialogues.
The conference will also feature a joint Agricultural Machinery and Livestock Exhibition at FAO’s headquarters in Rome. Over 40 different types of machinery and equipment will be displayed from 20 different entities from 13 different countries. The exhibition will be inaugurated on 26 September by the FAO Director-General.
The event will be webcast here. Journalists wishing to attend the event in person should send their accreditation request to [email protected], including a validpress card or letter of assignment on company stationery anda copy of a valid photo ID (passport/identity card).