Dominica Editor's Choice Press release

Family Week  2024 in the Diocese of Roseau – “Evangelizing Families for Mission”

Family Week  2024 in the Diocese of Roseau – “Evangelizing Families for Mission”

“ Evangelizing Families for Mission “ is the theme for Family Week  2024 in  Diocese of Roseau. The week  will   run from June 16th to 22  and  activities for the week will  be at both parish and diocesan levels.

  The week begins on Sunday 16th June , Fathers Day with Eucharistic Celebration in all  churches and chapels  .  The occasion will be used to highlight the role of fathers in the family as the domestic church as well as to recognize the effort of men in stabilizing the family unit and encourage men to be more directly involved in the life of their  family  and the life of the church.

 As part of  the week different days will be designated for Family Prayer ,  Appreciation, Fun   and  Family Recreation .

A main highlight  for the week will be a  Panel Discussion  in collaboration with UWI Global Dominica Campus on the topic” “ The Family in Contemporary Dominican Society: Opportunities and Challenges. This topic will be explored by a panel of 4 to include: Attorney Noelize Knight, Rosie and Rany Felix and  Fr Herman Sharplis and will be moderated by Tim Durand.

In continuing its ministry to families , another main focus will be a Training of Trainers programme aimed at  introduction of the Liturgy of the Domestic Church  Life (LDCL)  in  the Diocese of Roseau. LDCL is a ministry directed at the family  and was designed by Greg and Lisa Popcak of the United States of America. The programme seeks to renew Catholic Family Life  by demonstrating  how to use  simple  daily  family practices  to exercise  priestly , prophetic  and royal mission  that was  received at Baptism. LDCL is rooted in  and nourished by eucharistic grace. Through this grace families even those experiencing difficulties can be transformed into domestic churches capable of sharing in the life and mission of  the church.

The  Family Life Commission  in the Diocese of Roseau  was established to improve the quality of family life  by  deepening awareness on teachings  of the church on family issues  . This it seeks to do by  disseminating information on the teachings of the church on issues of family life  and strengthening  support programmes for families.

 Currently the Commission is working with parishes in strengthening  Family Life Units  . These Units  will organize and implement family life programmes and  serve as support group for families.

 Family life has been identified as a key priority for the Diocese of Roseau as it seeks to make the home   the domestic church , a safer  place for our children  and other family members where love ,joy and care abound  .

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