Dominica Press release

Embracing Opportunities for Newness

Embracing Opportunities for Newness

I greet you with the warmth and love which represents the Yuletide season.

As Christmas turns into New Years, Team Unity Dominica (TUD) takes this opportunity to connect with each and every Dominican. We wish you the best of what they wish for yourself. By extension, however, we wish every Dominican family, community and the nation in general, thriving success and unbounded progress in the new year and beyond.

A nation is stronger when its people thrive, and families are the bedrock of fledgling societies. That is why TUD declares 2024 as a year for healthy family relations and thriving communities. We make this declaration as our pledge of our commitment to serving the people in more progressive ways.

Each era offers opportunities for newness, so let us use 2024 as a springboard to real political progress in Dominica. My message for you for the upcoming year is quite simple: Let us treat 2024 as the first ray of sunlight on the Dominican political landscape. Our country desperately needs this new light.

Fellow Dominicans, Jane “Nightbird” Marczewski puts it best when she said that “You cannot wait until life isn’t hard anymore before you decide to be happy”. Let us seek to be happy amidst the difficult moments which may confront in 2024.

Team Unity Dominica -A New Era of Politics in Dominica- Our Nation’s Hope

Happiness is a simple concept, but when one’s happiness is hinged on others, this is when unhappiness creeps in. Many citizens have expressed feelings of hopelessness, despair, disconnection and discontentment. These feelings were brought about by selective inclusion of the people, dependency, political stalemate and division, and a continued shift in our country’s culture.

Our people have been rubbed from being who we were. This was motivated by the ambition of a few who benefit from who or what we have become, and TUD is here to usher us back on track. We are determined to help in making our people the loving, caring, sharing, happy people that we once were and can again be. We ask that you subscribe to our leadership of the united way. As we enter 2024, TUD promises to do more with and for the people. Our dream is to help recreate a thriving Dominica of Happy people.

We believe that happiness is contentment with the situations one encounters and interactions with people who truly matter. The people who really matter are the ones who have stuck with you through thick and thin, and sometimes the things which truly matter are those we fail to recognize.

This is a time for reflection. Let us be mindful of those who stand for righteousness. Let us work for, and together with, those who believe in honest efforts and deeds for just rewards. Let us support those who support our individual sovereignty and respect our autonomy. Let us embrace newness as an inevitable variable for growth and success. Let us be brave and strong in who we know we are. Let us kick bad and unprogressive habits, advice, ideas and influences out of our lives. Let us focus on our resolve to be lasting images of hope, respect and independence. Let us at least begin to establish our own legacies in the new year.

I see a year of progress replacing the adversities of the past, but we must be willing to embrace the opportunities for newness which the new year brings. Fellow Dominicans, we rise to your call for new political dispensation in Dominica. Team Unity is exactly what you and the pundits are clamoring for; we have brought you the message of progress and hope, and we will double down on that message in 2024.

Team Unity Dominica -A New Era of Politics in Dominica- Our Nation’s Hope

My team and I, and the many people we associate with, will continue to promote community enhancement initiatives in the new year, but our joint success depends on how best we adjust to new ways. The inclusiveness of TUD’s message speaks to our team’s resolve in standing with all the people.

We seek and advocate for new ways of doing things. Because we are involved in the business of serving the people through elected office and outside of government, and because the people have demanded alternative political and governing approaches, we know that our efforts measure up to those demands. TUD is, therefore, your source of unity and hope during this new political dispensation. So, we join hands with you as we welcome our moment of joint-success. Let us begin 2024 with a prayer, because we are a people of faith.

I end my address by reciting TUD’s official prayer and public affirmation:

Divine and Merciful Creator,

We thank you for the power which drives the spirit of unity and the passion of progress within our movement, Team Unity Dominica (TUD). We pledge to the omnipotence and ultimate force for unity and good, that we shall remain true to the cause of peoples’ progress. We acknowledge the ever presence of the creator in our midst, and accept you’re the divine direction of our lives. We affirm the divine authority over our movement, we claim blessing on our people and over our land. Encompass us, dear Creator, with your unconditional love today and every day for the rest of our natural lives. Please bless our nation. We seek the authority of your power, through the people, to govern their affairs in ways which are beneficial to all. Grant us the wisdom to embrace those who oppose us, and we pray that political opposition, now and in the future, be a progressive pursuit. Accept this our humble prayer, Amen!

TUD wishes you more in 2024. I thank you!

Team Unity Dominica -A New Era of Politics in Dominica- Our Nation’s Hope

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