As we approach the end of the year and look forward to the new year ahead, it is a time for reflection, renewal, and, most importantly, embracing the spirit of love, kindness, and acceptance that the holiday season encourages. Yet, as we stand on the threshold of 2025, it’s impossible to ignore a troubling issue that continues to persist in our beloved Dominica—our treatment of LGBTQ+ individuals.
When will we, as proud Nature Islanders—Dominicans by birth—finally accept the truth that there are full-fledged gay and lesbian nationals living among us? It is disheartening to witness the level of ignorance and intolerance still being displayed in society when members of the LGBTQ+ community walk the streets of our towns and villages. This outdated mindset, rooted in shame and exclusion, has no place in a modern society that claims to value love and compassion.
The holiday season, a time when we focus on peace, joy, and goodwill towards all, should serve as a reminder of the values we hold dear. How can we genuinely embrace these ideals if we continue to foster an environment where intolerance and ignorance are allowed to thrive? It is 2024, soon to be 2025, and yet the reality that LGBTQ+ individuals in Dominica are still being marginalized and treated with disdain is simply unacceptable.
What makes this situation even more disturbing is the hypocrisy that some in our society continue to exhibit. There are women who publicly condemn and look down upon LGBTQ+ persons, judging them for their sexuality and choices. However, behind closed doors, these same women often have relationships with men who are part of the LGBTQ+ community—husbands, boyfriends, and even brothers, secretly engaging in relationships with gay or bisexual individuals. This double standard not only exposes the ignorance and hypocrisy in our society, but it also highlights the deep-seated issues surrounding acceptance and understanding.
As we embrace the new year and the promise of a fresh start, let us commit to evolving as a society. Dominica can and should be a place of inclusivity, where we celebrate the diversity of our people. We must stand up for the rights and dignity of LGBTQ+ individuals, allowing them to live openly and authentically without fear of rejection or discrimination.
Let the values of the holiday season—peace, joy, and acceptance—be more than just words. Let them guide us in 2025 and beyond. It’s time to reject hatred and embrace the diversity that makes us stronger as a nation. As we ring in the new year, let us make a resolution to move forward with open hearts, open minds, and a commitment to treating every Dominican, regardless of their sexual orientation, with the respect and dignity they deserve.
Wishing everyone a prosperous, peaceful, and inclusive New Year! Let us move forward with compassion and unity.
#NewYearNewBeginnings #LoveIsLove #DominicaForAll #LGBTQInclusion #EqualityForAll #EmbraceDiversity #Happy2025
“In a world where you can be anything, be kind.”