Dominica Editor's Choice

Dr. Michael Reefe distinguished alumnus and consultant cardiologist shared insights on the theme, “Breaking Barriers to Achieve Greatness at NECS Graduation Ceremony

Dr. Michael Reefe distinguished alumnus and consultant cardiologist shared insights on the theme, “Breaking Barriers to Achieve Greatness at NECS Graduation Ceremony

Dominica, June 26, 2024 – The North East Comprehensive School (NECS) celebrated its 19th anniversary with a memorable graduation ceremony, highlighting the institution’s remarkable achievements over the years. The event featured a stirring speech by Dr. Michael Reefe, a distinguished alumnus and consultant cardiologist, who shared insights on the theme, “Breaking Barriers to Achieve Greatness.”

In his speech, Dr. Reefe lauded NECS for its exceptional contributions to the island of Dominica, despite being one of the youngest institutions of its kind. He cited numerous success stories, from athletes like West Indies cricketer Kavem Hodge and Carifta medalist Addison James, to the Dominica Next Top Model winner Linna Bontiff, and renowned visual entertainer Lincoln Riviere. Dr. Reefe also acknowledged talented individuals in various fields, including young farmer Marcelle George, regional real-estate agent Jeralie Charles, entrepreneurs Valarie Honore and Kyle James, and top CXC performers such as Jodine Shillingford and Kimarah Jno Baptiste.

Reflecting on his own journey, Dr. Reefe, who graduated from NECS 14 years ago, shared his personal experiences and growth. He emphasized the importance of self-belief, perseverance, and the willingness to sacrifice for success. “Believe in yourself and manifest greatness,” he urged the graduates, encouraging them to envision their future successes and work relentlessly towards them.

He shared five key pointers with the graduates:

  1. Believe in Yourself: Success requires unwavering self-belief and the ability to visualize and work towards your goals, even when no one else sees your vision.
  2. Want Greatness as Much as You Want to Breathe: Dr. Reefe illustrated this point with a vivid analogy of the desperate need to breathe when underwater, emphasizing the intensity of desire needed to achieve success.
  3. Sacrifice: He highlighted the necessity of discipline and sacrifice, encouraging graduates to prioritize productive activities over distractions and to align themselves with supportive friends.
  4. Be Prepared to Fail: Failure is an integral part of the journey to success. Dr. Reefe shared his own academic struggles and how they ultimately guided him to his career as a cardiologist.
  5. Go with God: Emphasizing the importance of faith, he urged the graduates to maintain a strong spiritual foundation as they pursue their goals.

Addressing parents, Dr. Reefe underscored their pivotal role in their children’s success, urging them to be actively involved in their education and personal development.

In conclusion, Dr. Reefe motivated the graduates to embrace consistency and optimism, quoting Aristotle: “We are what we repeatedly do; excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.” He challenged them to take the first step towards their dreams and to rise to the occasion with unwavering commitment.

The ceremony ended with a heartfelt blessing from Dr. Reefe for the graduates, their families, and the community of St. Andrews. The event was a testament to the enduring legacy of NECS and its role in shaping the future leaders of Dominica.

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