It was the well known American children’s author, political cartoonist, illustrator, poet, animator, and filmmaker, Dr. Seuss who said “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” With this in mind the Education and Youth Committee of the Lions Club of Dominica took the initiative to source books to help some schools on the island replenish their library.
During the planning stage, the club received a call from past Lion member Tahisa Hill-Guye on behalf of the Regisite Family residing in Canada who was willing to sponsor a shipment of reading books through the “Hold your Soul” Foundation. On Thursday, 28 April, 2022 a few members participated in a small handing over ceremony at the Den in Goodwill. Representatives from the following schools: Achievement Learning Center, Goodwill Secondary School and Christian Union Church Preschool collected packaged books. The Salybia Primary School and North East Comprehensive Secondary School will also receive a package of Books
The Foundation was developed in remembrance of their Father who died unexpectedly. He had a deep love for reading and was very passionate about Dominica and giving back. The Club looks forward to a continued partnership as they seek to provide service to the country in any way possible.