Today, 21st September, is World Alzheimers Day. Indeed, the whole of September is devoted to raising awareness of the needs of the Elderly across the globe especially in this COVID season. We in Dominica especially appreciate the contribution of our Elders and celebrate the large number of centenarians we have in our small society. The members of the Dominica Dementia Foundation want to highlight the needs of the carers of those with dementia and are offering an online support group.
The Dominica Dementia Foundation (DominicaDementiaFoundation.org) is a member of Alzheimer’s Disease International (ADI). This international organisation calls for the global community to come together to form an action plan to protect those with dementia from the worst ravages of Covid-19 and highlights that further data on dementia-Covid mortality is urgently needed.
Age is the biggest risk factor for dementia and older people are the most at-risk group for Covid-19, with 86% of all Covid-19 deaths being among people aged 65 and over. According to the London School of Economics and University College London live report: “Impact and mortality of COVID-19 on people living with dementia” – up to 75 per cent of Covid-19 deaths globally are in care facilities where the residents have dementia as an underlying condition.
It is crucial to respect the COVID Protection protocols about visiting the elderly and be especially cautious about social distancing and respiratory etiquette around your older Loved Ones. It is hard for older people, especially those with dementia, to manage technology but clearly it is safer to stay in touch using the phone if possible rather than visiting. DDF advise create a bubble of a limited number of “safe” caregivers around the elderly person, who are themselves avoiding crowds and observing protocols.
We are very fortunate to have several centenarians in Dominica, many of whom surprise us with their mental acuity. To maintain wellness with age, we need to be aware of our lifestyle and diet. Sadly, however, Dementia is becoming more common. Whilst the exact causes are unknown, we do know that Dementia is a neurodegenerative disease that usually affects the elderly, however, there have been cases of early-onset Dementia which can even affect individuals from their 30s onward.
Rianna Patterson, Founder of Dominica Dementia Foundation, says “I would like to commend the caregivers and care homes in Dominica that are taking care of our elders in Dominica during this difficult period. It is extremely challenging for those with Dementia to deal with the unseen threat of COVID, as it is another situation they must adapt to. To the General Public I say “Do not abandon people living with dementia. The Carer’s job never ends, never stop caring even if your loved one can no long show love to you. We must care for those unable to care for themselves, as a Nation. Let us strive for Dominica to become a Dementia-Friendly Island.”
The Dominica Dementia Foundation is seeking to start an online support group for those caring for the elderly at home. This will take the form of a what’s app group with a monthly hour-long zoom meeting on a Sunday afternoon and will be run with the support of counsellor Tina Alexander, of Lifeline Ministries. If you know anyone who needs psychosocial support in caring for someone with dementia please contact by emailing [email protected] or sending a what’s app message to Lifeline Ministries on 7672358367