Dominica Press release

Dominica Association of Professional Engineers Elects New Board of Directors

Dominica Association of Professional Engineers Elects New Board of Directors

he Dominica Association of Professional Engineers (D.A.P.E.) is pleased to announce the election of a new Board of Directors following the Extraordinary Meeting held on Thursday, June 13, 2024. The newly elected board members are set to lead our esteemed association with a renewed spirit of collaboration and progress within the engineering community in Dominica.
The new Board of Directors is composed of the following members:

  • President: Eng. Nicole Laville
  • Vice President: Eng. Edmund Laville
  • Treasurer: Eng. Felix Julien
  • Secretary: Eng. Magnus Williams
  • Members: Eng. Neil L. Esprit, Eng. Allistair Grell

We are confident that under the guidance of President Nicole Laville and the newly elected board, D.A.P.E. will continue to thrive and advance the engineering profession in Dominica. The new executive team is committed to increasing active membership, enhancing the visibility of D.A.P.E., and ensuring that the organization plays a pivotal role in nation-building, particularly in areas related to engineering.

At this juncture, we would like to extend our heartfelt gratitude to Eng. Genora Joseph, who will continue to serve in the capacity of Immediate Past President. Eng. Joseph’s dedication and service as the first female President of D.A.P.E. have been commendable and will forever be etched in the history of our association.

The Dominica Association of Professional Engineers (D.A.P.E.) was established to safeguard the life, health, and welfare of the public by ensuring that the practice of engineering is restricted to properly qualified individuals. Our objectives include:

  • Advancing the status of the engineering profession by upholding high ethical and professional standards.
  • Promoting the advancement of engineering sciences and enhancing the proficiency, knowledge, and skill of Professional Engineers.
  • Protecting the interests of Professional Engineers.
  • Collaborating with other associations, societies, or institutions with similar objectives.

As we move forward, the newly elected board is eager to build on the solid foundation laid by their predecessors. We look forward to a future of innovation, excellence, and increased collaboration within the engineering community in Dominica.

For more information, please contact: Dominica Association of Professional Engineers (D.A.P.E.) Email: [email protected] and [email protected]

About D.A.P.E. The Dominica Association of Professional Engineers (D.A.P.E.) is dedicated to advancing the engineering profession in Dominica by promoting high standards of practice, safeguarding public welfare, and fostering professional development and collaboration among engineers.

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