
Despite large numbers of cases, countless people not yet exposed remain vulnerable to COVID-19 infection in the Americas

Despite large numbers of cases, countless people not yet exposed remain vulnerable to COVID-19 infection in the Americas
Washington D.C., September 16, 2020 (PAHO) – Reopening societies before health systems are ready “would risk a handful of cases in one area becoming a full-blown outbreak,” PAHO Director Carissa F. Etienne said today.

“As leaders across the world face pressure to resume social and public life, it’s important that they avoid making decisions in a vacuum. Data about the virus’s spread and the state of health systems and services must guide each country’s plans to reopen, including the mix of preventive measures that should remain in place to keep people safe,” she told a media briefing today.

She said the basic principles of adjusting individual behavior, adapting spaces and exercising political leadership are key to making transportation, workplaces, schools and public spaces as safe as they can be for all.


The Americas reached two somber milestones this week, Etienne said, with over half a million deaths and nearly 15 million reported in the region. “Countless people in our region remain vulnerable to infection, especially large populations that have not yet been exposed,” she noted.

With respect to minimizing transmission as countries reopen, “whether it’s re-starting schools, re-opening public markets or resuming international travel, when and how we do it matters,” she said.

“Countries must ensure they have the staff, tools and resources in place to monitor and contain the virus. They must be prepared to carry out tests, conduct contact tracing, isolate and quarantine and ensure enough hospital beds are available to care for patients who develop severe symptoms.”

Individuals must be responsible and keep a safe distance from others, a proven measure to limit the spread of COVID-19, Etienne said, and “public spaces must also be adapted to reduce transmission. Simple, yet important measures like offering handwashing or hand sanitizing stations, and altering layouts and hours to allow social distancing and to limit the number of people in the same space at the same time should be the norm for now.”

“Indoors, we need to ensure adequate ventilation and limit close contact with each other. We also must continue to keep our distance outdoors, the PAHO Director advised.

On travel, she said, relying on laboratory tests for travelers “is expensive, hard to implement and of limited impact in controlling the international spread of the virus. We must ensure that individuals who are sick or suspect they’re sick with COVID – and their contacts – be quickly identified and isolated to minimize the chances of getting others infected, first and foremost, prior to departure, as well as after arrival.”

Noting that some countries are preparing for elections soon, Etienne said careful planning was needed to prevent spread by avoiding large gatherings and offering alternate options like voting by mail or digitally. “Governments must lead in national efforts to ensure public health measures are in place for in-person voting and that citizens are aware of how to maintain their safety and that of others at the ballot box, she said.


Director’s remarks- Media briefing September 16:

Recording of the media briefing September 16 (original audio):

Recording of the media briefing September 16 (English):

PAHO web about COVID-19:

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