We announce the Death of Patricia Elisabeth James of Balahou town. Patsy as she was affectionately known was born on March 12, 1937 to now deceased Ena Ryan and Harold James.
She was also preceeded in death by her daughter Andrea Graham and her 2 younger sister two sisters, Alma John Cools-Lartigue and Vyleen Hazel.
She leaves to mourn:
Brother: Kelly Norde
Granddaughters: Jeanine Graham and Nanika Peters
Great grand children Nikisha _ nickellson_ nikella _ nickel _ nick_ Nicholas _ jeandel _ishmeal Graham. Nevissa, Ciara, Chloie, Nireen and Cailee Gregoire
Nieces: Tamara Lafond and family Dahnella Lartigue-Andrew and family
Nephews: Dane Cools-Lartigue and family and Julian Norde and family
Funeral/Memorial will be held on Monday August 12 at 3pm at the Roseau Cathedral.