It is with sadness we announce the death of Mr. Roy A. Royer of 48 Federation Drive, Goodwill Dominica. Mr. Roy Royer was born in Vieille Case on the 1st January 1925 and died on the 27th November 2024 in Goodwill at the D.C.F.H. He was 99 yrs. 11months.
Left to mourn:
His children: Jocelyn Royer-Cardinal, Maureen Fagan, Roy A. Royer, Conrad Royer
Grand Children: Andre’ Meade, Jared, Brittany and Brendan Fagan, Hannah, Emily , Cynthia, and Romeo Royer
Great Grand Children: Joel Justice Meade, Zoe, Jaxon and Kaden Fagan,
Sons in Law: Perry Fagan and Glen Cardinal
Daughter in- Law: Pauline Royer
Brother in -Law Ransome Peters
Sisters in Law: Mavis Small and Shirley Peters
Family: Flora, Phenice, Irving, Avon Royer and Family; Irma Lewis and Family; Hetty Francis and Family; Roy Bertrand; Powell Family; Evangeline. Neiche, Charles, Beatrice and Family; Julie Frampton and Family; Catherine Fadelle and Family; Eugene, Milton & Donald Royer and Family; Patterson; Francois; Peters and Small Family.
Caretakers: Annita Casimir, Lester Anselm, Juliette Azoo, Olivia Prince,
God Children: Several God Children too numerous to mention
Friends: Cpt. Ronald Hodge and Family; Royer, Leblanc, Seaman, Brumant Families, Marie Jean Jacques, Dr. W.E.V Green and Family, Rose Aird, Monsignor Eustace Thomas, Fr. Elveau Augustine, St. Aphonsus Scout Troop, Sacred Heart Society, Mount Carmel Society, Holy Name Society, Jacquie Emanuel, Celia Nicholas, Verdi Boyd Karam and family, Dorothy Leavy, Dawn Symes and Family ; Augustus Harris & Staff of Lindo Mart.
Dr. Devi Shillingford, Dr. St Luce, Dr Yerandy and the staff at the Imray Ward at the DCFH ; Numerous relatives and friends.
Mr. Roy Royer founded The 4th Dominica St. Alphonsus Scout Troop in 1954 and it is the oldest Scout Troop on the island of Dominica.
Mr. Roy Royer was the very first Hotel Manager of the Fort Young Hotel for many years. He also held many similar and notable positions in the Hotel and Tourism Industry in Dominica. In the realm of hoteliers, he was not only an expert but a maestro who orchestrated the precision of service with honest artistry, superior culinary skills and a master decorator extraordinaire. His dedication to his craft was unmatched.
The funeral service of our beloved Roy Aubrey Royer will be held at the St. Alphonsus Roman Catholic Church, on January 3rd, 2025 at 2:30pm; internment immediately following at the Roseau Catholic Cemetery.
1 Comment
Please note: The word is interment..Not internment.
“internment immediately following at the Roseau Catholic Cemetery”.