Dominica Death Announcement

Death Announcement of 75-year-old Jules Sampson, of Mahaut

Death Announcement of 75-year-old Jules Sampson, of Mahaut

We announce the death of 75-year-old Jules Sampson, of Mahaut. He died on January 30th 2024 in New York.

He is survived by:

His wife: Nathalie Sampson

Children: Josie Stephenson, Julia Bruno; Janelle Sampson and Jawanza Sampson in the USA.

Grandchildren: Jayden and Janae Stephenson; Jalan and Jada Bruno; Jarred, Amara, Zandaya and Jolie Sampson in the USA.

Sister: Augustine Thomas

Brothers: Eddison and Francis, and Julius in the USA.

Nieces: Frances and Felicite; Joan, Janet, Lyn, Gilda Sutton and Sharmaine Thomas in the UK; Junette in         Canada; Ava and Desrie in Guadeloupe; Jaime and Jodie, Kellyanne Florant and Nadia Henry in the USA and their               families.

Nephews: Junior and George; Wallace and Julien in the UK. Sherman, and Brian in Tortola and their families

Son in law: Jason Bruno

Sisters in law: Clara Joseph, Sandra Bruno, Cornelia Williams, Athenia Henry, Josephine Robinson, Paula Didier, Dr. Valda Henry, Carol Hogan in Canada; Clarus Sampson, Claribel Dupigny, Catherine Ngathou, Yolanda Henry in the USA; and Cleopatra Doumbia Henry in Switzerland and their families.

 Brothers in law: Vandanson Sampson, Charles, Ericson, Kendall, Eddie, Harvey and Edgar; Jonathan, Francis and Athaly Henry in the USA and their families

Close cousins: Angela Francis, June Bougouneau, Sandra Pitters and Karen Richardson in Canada; Vivian and Albee Esprit in St. Thomas and their families.

Special friends: Eluid Williams, Mr. & Mrs. Casian Balthazaar, Mr. & Mrs. Hiltonie Jno Baptiste, Mr. & Mrs. Terilson Ismael, Mr. & Mrs. Hodge Augustine, Fr. Elveau, Clementine Prescott, Prhea Bertrand, Glenda Thomas, Albert Samuel, Mervin Thomas, Athenia Charles, Marlin Felix and their families.

Mahaut Branch of Dacamen; neighbors; The Sampson, Jno. Baptiste, and Esprit families of Mahaut and Campbell, the parish community of St. Ann, many other relatives and friends, too numerous to mention.

The funeral mass will take place on Saturday February 24, at 10.00 a.m., and viewing at 9:30 a.m., at the st. Martin de Porres Church in Canefield followed by interment at the massacre catholic cemetery.


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