Dominica Death Announcement

Death Announcement of Devonport Robert Hamilton of Vielle Case who resided at Simon Bolivar, Stock Farm

Death Announcement of Devonport Robert Hamilton of Vielle Case who resided at Simon Bolivar, Stock Farm

We announce the death of Devonport Robert Hamilton of Vielle Case who resided at Simon Bolivar, Stock Farm. He died on Sunday, 15th September 2024 at the Dominica China Friendship Hospital.

He will be remembered by his wife – Margaret,

One son: Shevonton Hamilton

Three daughters: Korlita Hamilton – President of the Dominica Netball Association and Assistant Treasurer of the Dominica Olympic Committee, Abigail Hamilton – Teacher at the Dominica Grammar School and Kimora Hamilton – Teacher at the Isaiah Thomas Secondary School.

He will be remembered by three grandchildren: Stallone, Kaylis and Miracle

Brothers including: Hayes Hamilton, Thomas, Billy, and Gregory Augustine.

Sisters including: Sylma Hamilton – Keclard and Lena Augustine in France, Angela Augustine-Pollock

Sisters-in-law: Celestine in Dominica, Virginia and Helena Hilaire in Canada, Irene and Beverly

Brothers-in-law: Patrice Keclard in France and Graham Pollock

Aunt: Octavia

Two uncles: Berlyne in England and Augustus Boy Massicot in Pointe Michel

Several nieces and nephews including: Tahj, Tyirr, Emmanuelle, Rashel, David, Delan, Delicia, Marleeah and Greg

Other friends and other relatives too numerous to mention.

The funeral service of the late Devonport Robert Hamilton will be held at the New Day Fellowship and Deliverance Ministries in Pottersville on Thursday 26, September 2024 at 2:00 P.M and will be followed by interment at the Roseau Public Cemetery.

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