Dominica Death Announcement

Death Announcement of Camile Valentine also known as Val or Martin of Savanne Paille who resided in Florida

Death Announcement of Camile Valentine also known as Val or Martin of Savanne Paille who resided in Florida

We regret to announce the death of Mr. Camile Valentine Aka Val, Aka Martin, age 77 yrs of

Savanne Paille, Portsmouth who resided in Florida.

He died  at the RFA hospital in Portsmouth on 16th July 2023.

He is survived by his wife Faye, Daughters- Marvlyn, Marcia, Deidra, and Leandra. Sons- Worrel and Tyree. Sons-in-law Telford and Etzer.  Daughter-in-law Rhonda.

Granddaughters: Avri, Riyah, and Rhania

Grandsons: Lil Tyree, Relly, Jesiah, Dominic, and Elijah

Great-grandchildren: Ryan, Arrianne, and Ava

Brothers: Cornelius, Percy, Reginal, Rogers, Willy, Albert, and Atlee Rodney Commissioner of Police of Antigua & Barbuda.

Sisters: Mona, Maudlin, Nathalie & Eulie

Brothers-in-law: Sellwood, Thompson, Joseph, Willy, Durand, and George

Sisters-in-law: Gloria, Shemmee, Claudia, Marcia, Hazel, Avril, Mary, and Melanie

Uncles: Cecil, Faustin, Orvance, and Stevenson

Aunts: Helena, Decima, Angela, and Helen

Nephews: Justin, Marcus, Zephrin, Jerome, Jermaine, Joel, Jason, Francis, Arlene Carbon Jr.

Nieces: Patsy, Nancy, Joyce, Frances, Jelica, Noreen, Jeannine, Barbara, Alisha, Grace, Jenese, Gayle, and Krystal.

Cousins: Nurses- Helena and Lyndie, Caroline, Vanos, Beverly, Michael, Francis, Francois, Francisca, Riviere, Bernadette, Lucille, and Cyril and their families.

Caregiver: Joyce

Pal Rep: Hon Roland Royer

Pastor and Members of the Olivet Baptist Church-Portsmouth

Doctors and Nurses of RFA  and Dominica/China friendship hospital

The Ettienne family of Penville, Charles Valentine and family, the people of Savanne Paille, many other relatives and friends both here and abroad, names too numerous to mention.

The funeral service of Mr. Camile Valentine aka Val aka Martin will take place Thursday 27th July at Olivet Baptist Church, Zicaque, Portsmouth Viewing at 9:30 am service at 10 am. Followed by interment at Chance Public Cemetery

Transportation Services will be provided by Mr. Everard bus for persons in savanne Paille and Justin Dubois for persons traveling from Penville.

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