We announce the death of Mrs Iris Philomen Greenaway better known as Ma Papoo or Sye of Wesley age 92 yrs. She died on the 1st September 2022
She survived by four Sisters: Anella, Veronica, Odette and Claire.
Three Sons: Graham, Mc Donald and Garmon Greenaway.
Four Daughters: Grethel khan, Grethelia Samuel, Elaine,
Julietta Jeremy
Sons in Law: kirth Khan,
Julien Jeremy
Daughters in Law:
Marie- Jean, Martha and Andrina Greenaway.
Adopted Children:
Joanna, Vernie and Earl.
31 Grand Children and Spouses: Vernie(spouse) Ronald.
Zacky( spouse)Earlyn
Chessler( spouse) Chrystal
Wayne( spouse) Rachel
Kawani( spouse) Brendon
Kanika( spouse) Dwayne
Kay ( spouse) Stephan
Evan( spouse) Yilize
Kenyatta, Naema, Le’a, Vernice, Amieca, Yaissa, Roxanne, Mc Coy, Jamieson, Kamesha, Garmon Jr. Gardenia, Matt, Kellorn and Merlika.
36 Great Grandchildren.
2 Great. Great Grandchildren.
Numerous Nieces and Nephews, Close Family and Friends, including Mr and Mrs Arnold Telemaque, Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerritt, Hon.Fidel Grant Neighbors and The entire Methodist Church Family in Dominica and the Community of Wesley.
Care- Taker: Marie- Thereuse Jean.
The funeral Service of the late Iris Philomen Greenaway better known as Ma Papoo or Sye of Wesley will take place on Saturday 17th September 2022.
Viewing at 2pm
Funeral Service at 3pm at the Wesley Methodist church Chapel.
Internment at the Wesley Methodist Church Burial Ground.