Dominica Death Announcement

Death Announcement of 91 year old Peter Richardson of Pointe Michel, Dominica

Death Announcement of 91 year old Peter Richardson of Pointe  Michel, Dominica

We announce the death of 91 year old Peter Richardson of Pointe Michel, Dominica. He died on June 4th, 2024 In London   

He was the son of: Norman and Dinege Richardson 

He was the husband of: Greta         

He will be remembered by his  

 Partner: Millicent

Children: Alan, Marjorie, Alison, Patricia and Lucy

Grand Children: Daniel, Richanne, Imaan, Romel, Aeron, Rio, Stacey, Sasha and Sabrina                   

Great Grand Son: Emil     

Sisters: Theodora                             

Son In Laws: Patrick and Simeon         

Many other close friends and relatives both here and abroad are too numerous to mention.

The body of the late Peter Richardson will viewed at 2.30 p.m. on Tuesday 16th July 2024.The funeral mass takes place at 3:00p.m. at Our Lady Of La Salette Roman Catholic Church, Pointe Michel, followed by interment at the Pointe Michel Roman Catholic Cemetery

Funeral Arrangements Entrusted To Gentle Rest Funeral Service Inc.

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