We announce the death of 80 year old Joseph Duverney of Newtown who resided in Lagoon ,Portmouth. He died on 26th of October 2021 at the St James Facility in Picard.
He will be remembered by:
Wife: Idora Hyacinth Duverney
Son: David (Dave) Duverney
Daughter: Josephine (Titin) Duverney
Step-Children: Joan, Vance, Edrick, Roseline, Jeff, Kenton, Jeffery Kelsick
Grandchildren: Shaiel and Tarika Duverney, Freya Duverney-Leblanc, Dennise, Darlene and Danielle Duverney
Adopted Children/Nephew :David, Daniel and Levi Baron.
Nephew: Lawrence and Warren Mark
Nieces: Ruth and Tamara Baron, Mary, Veronica, Paloma, Alena. Other names to numerous to mention
Grand-Nieces: Odera Baron, Elise and Chrystel Baron,
Grand Nephew: Danny Scotland, Koath Baron, Davidson, Phillip and Randle.
Brother: Sylvester Mark
Sister: Rhoda Baron, Marther Borvan in Guadeloupe, Marcelyn Duverney in Barbados, Midora Letang and Florence Duverney in UK.
Sisters in Law: Jeannise Hyacinth, Sylvester Ucbebor, Elpha Mark
Daughter In Law: Mae Duverney
Brothers in law: Owen Hyacinth and Estok Hyacinth
Step-Grandchildren: Shem, Tammy, Rohane, Akmel, Kyle, Akima.
Great Grandchild: Sariyanna Durand
Close Family: Phyllis Baron, Nebbie Baron, The Paquette family of Mahaut & Pichellen, Cyril Hyacinth and family, Milutine Hyacinth and family, Peter Pascal, Catherine Faustin, Vanessa Kelsick, Rose Benjamin, Registe Family of Pichellen, Homo and Henderson family, William family of New Town, Kentish family of Goodwill, Dayne Alexander, The Hill family, Mr. Paul Green, Drigo Family of Lagoon, Duverney family of Dosdane and the staff at Duverney Enterprise and Bell Hall Beach Spot.
Friends: Zelia Debourne, Sean Douglas, Sabin Family of Grange, Leon Edwards and Family, Janice, Mills Family of Lagoon, Stella Leblanc, Rosie Angol, Woop Woop, Richardson Douglas, Sandra Daniel, Reginald Thomas, Kisha Richards, Ensbert Mills, Leonard “Pump” Laville, Hyacinth Family of Lagoon, Haitain communities of Portsmouth and Lagoon, Panthier Family of Lagoon, Jennifer Moses, Celina Mills, Laville Family of Lagoon, Lawrence Family of Lagoon, Alexis Family of Lagoon.
Many other friends and relatives names to numerous to mention.
Communities: The communities of Bioche, Dublanc, Tan Tan, Savanne Paille, Toucari, Cottage, Cliffton, Capuchin, Penville, Veille Case, Thibaud, Paix Bouche, Bense, Dose Dane, Bourne and Special Mention to the people of his Home Communities Portsmouth Lagoon and Pichellin
Business Community: Greens Wholesale, Malcom Stephen and Sons, J Astaphans, Jolly’s Pharmacy,
Springfield Trading, Fine Foods Inc, Archipelago Trading, Starring & Sons, HHV Whitchurch and Company, Dominica Import Export Agency, Issa Trading Ltd.
Staff of the St James Covid Hospital, Sister Mathew at CAC.
THE FUNERAL WILL TAKE PLACE ON NOVEMBER 10TH 2021 AT 2:30Pm at the Reconciliation and Deliverance Ministries at Glanvillia(Near Rubis Gas station and NBD)