We announce the death of 76 year old Julius Williams of Canefield. He died on Wednesday 22nd June 2022 at the Dominica China Friendship Hospital.
He lives to mourn:
His wife: Vania Williams
5 children: Valda, Susan, Frank, Franklyn and Vern Williams
5 grandchildren: Sirche’, Lilly, An-Suani, Akeel and Jaydeen
Sister: Shirley Jerome
Aunts: Mary-Jane and Pattie
Mother-in-law: Mona Nicholas
Daughter-in-law: Cindy
Numerous cousins including: David, Derek, Desmond, Sonia and Winnie
Sisters-in-law: Isaline, Athenia, Marvlyn, Beatrice, Doreen and Shirley Simon
Brothers-in-law: Nelson, Victor, Georges and Hamilton Simon
Close neighbours: Maureen Peters and family and nurse Shaw
Close friends: Dr. Colmore Christian and family, Dr. Irvin Pascal, L G Roberts and family, Alick, Martin and Sherrif, the Graham family in Roger and the Piper family in Cockrane, the community of Roger and the congregation of the Anglican Church in Dominica
The body of the late Julius Williams will be transported from Lyndhurst Funeral Home for viewing on Friday 8th, July from 3:00pm at the Bethesda Methodist Church. Funeral Service begins at 3:30pm followed by interment at the Anglican Cemetery.
Buses driven by Peter and Jack will leave Upper Canefield at 2:30pm for those who wish to attend the funeral service of Julius Williams on Friday 8th July.