We celebrate the life of 76 year old Johanna Durand, better known as ‘Ma Toma’ or ‘Joan’ of Antrizle.
Sunrise: 27th September 1944
Sunset: 26th August 2021
She left to mourn:
Children : 7 sons: Albert, Savory, Micheal, Andel and Philip Durand, an Air Traffic Controller at the Douglas Charles Airport and Pius and David Durand (deceased).
2 daughter : Marinise Laville and Angelina Durand better known as Angie in the USA.
Grand children : Precil, Eucile and Luke Laville, Ginel Durand, Christine and Christina Viville, Niesha, Reon and Leon in the USA, Tamisha, Jireh, Dyzira, David jr., June and Jude Durand.
Great Grand Children : Sabrina Desbonnes, Riana and Rhea Sully, Jeremiah Sanford, Adia Sanderson, Jaylan Joseph, Amiyiel William, Minelle Mathew, Nathan Durand and Maimuina Francis.
Sisters : Anthia Antoine and Aldith Paris in Martinique
Brother : Felix Antoine better known as fire
Son- in – law : St. Rose Laville
Daughters – in – law : Tamara Durand in the USA, Maria Durand and Dorothy Durand
Nieces and Nephews including: Edith, Kisha, Rickey, Ian, Jillie, Jillina, Noel, Patrice, Angelina, Micheal, Jasmine, Antony, Vernice, Amor, Alicia, Martin,
Other relatives : Modeline Joseph and family in Kingshill, The Durand family in Petite Soufriere, and Atkinson, The Paris family in Bataca and the Frederick family in Salybia.
Close friends including : Cederick Desbonnes and family , Ursula Laville and family, Cassius Darroux, Patrick James, Mr. Vital in Kinsghill, Marian, Pastor Sylvarie Dangelben and family, Fafine, Philomen Joseph, Amos William, Miguel Mathew, Gregory Viville, Yvette Christian and family, Reggie, Carter Charles and Buelah Sanford and family in St.Cyr.
Other family and friends too numerous to mention
Special mention of : The nurses of the Atkinson Health Center, Honorable Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit, Honourable Cozier Frederick, Members of the Atkinson Catholic Church Community and the entire villages of Atkinson and Antrizle and Dominica by extension.
The body of the late Johanna Durand better known as ‘Ma Toma’ or ‘Joan’ can be viewed at 9:30am at Salybia Catholic Church and service at 10am followed by interment at the Salybia Catholic Cemetery.