A life so beautifully lived deserves to be beautifully remembered. Please join us to mourn the passing of our beloved Patricia Benoit Anthony, also known as Mother Clay or Claron, age 74 of Pointe Michel, who resided in Wall House. She died on February 17, 2022 at the Dominica China Friendship Hospital.
Husband: Roy Anthony
Son: Wayne Wilkins
Daughters: Delia, Dorrell, Daniella and Diana
Grand Children: Desra, Wayne, Nestor, Desi-Anna in St. Thomas, Halon, Haniel, Jonté’, D’yahl, Jodie, Juanito, Justice, Makeda in St Thomas, Jasan, Jernae, Onyx, Diamond, Dazzle, Sherdah, Rheal, Royal, Carldah, Aldinyo
Great Grand Children: Cruise, Majesty, Mahalia and Elanae in St Thomas, J’yante’, Kaylanea in England, Amir, Ceenjay.
Adopted Sons & Daughters: Dave Nicholas in Texas, Jonathan Cuffy, Tracelyn Jno.Baptiste in
England, Natasha Cuffy in Saint Martin, Eleanora Rosa, Jo Ann Jno Baptiste in Canada
Sisters: Ruth Alfred in Dominica, Diana Leslie, Terry, Ferrari Moore in the USA, Dolarita Adams
in Barbados.
Brothers: Eustace Moore in Barbados, Victor Benoit in St. Thomas, Ephraim Benoit in Dominica
Brothers-in-Law: Edward Leslie, Blaize Alfred, Jerry Adams
Sisters-in-Law: Cylma and Alex Benjamin
Daughter-in-law: Veronica Benoit
Sons-in-Law: Ricardo Blaize, Robert Francis, Valdez Royer
Step Children: Peter, Marilyn, Nickel, and Krislon Anthony, Ivennia, Clancies, Amy-Mary, Embert, Jo-Ann Durand, Dwayne Rolle, Regis, Rachel and Jeanne Seraphin, D’Andre, Dredan, Sherian Alexander, Shernelle, Ebony
Nieces and Grand Nieces: Gem Elie Lockhart, Annette, Taryn, Rean, Antoinette, Nikita, Desiree, Abigail, Chelsea, Shekinah, Whitney, Felicia, Simone, Kimora, Amani, Esther, Everlyn, Ms. Bonnie, Orhys, Jannicka Joseph, Kisha Joseph
Nephews and Grand Nephews: Kimani, Curt, Elijah, Patrick Benoit, David, Barry, Troy, Tyron, Tahge, Byron, Ronald, Edva, Tyrique, Rashad, Travis and Russel Joseph, Anferney Sampson
Cousins: Judith Registe and Family , Bernadette Aaron & family, Merle Azoo, Cecelia Charles and Sherian Joseph & Family, Boyd Felix, David and Gina Toussaint & Family, Rosemarie Celaire & Family, Roselmond Family, Williams Family, Marie-Therese Junkere, Benoit Family
Friends: Fr. Reginald Lafleur, Ophelia Lee, Rachel Blaize, Franklyn Constant and Family, Judith Elizee and Family, Tiwane Paul, Kerri-Ann Louisy, Talitha Edwards, Calvia Timothy and Family, James Henderson, Matthew Pacquette, Magdalene Robin, Jo Ann and Val Cuffy
Special Mention: Church of Christ and Members, Dr. Fevrier and Team, Dr. Elvin Moise, Dr. David & Family, Staff of Glover Ward, Ward Aide Vernara Joseph , Oncology Staff, Cancer Society, Honorable Denise Charles, Josian Rodney, Hildreth and Jeff Leblanc, Matthias Peltier Jr. , The Staff of Q95 FM, Mr. & Mrs. Connor, Desmond Charles, Cathy Winston, The Parker Family, Dagma Lebruin, Joslyn Jerome and Family, Kiloma Alexander, Kelvin Toussaint, Ferdy Elizee, Shannon Phillip and Family, Faddoul Family, Josette Germain, Farika Mitchel, Claudette Dangleben, Hon. Dr Adis King and Family, The community of Point Michel and Wallhouse
The body of the late Patricia Benoit Anthony, also known as Mother Clay or Claron, will be transported from North Eastern Funeral Home for viewing at 2:30p.m. on Friday 11th March, 2022 at the Truth and Grace Fellowship Global in Roseau. Funeral Service begins at 3:00p.m