The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge. He is my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.
Psalms 18:2
Phyllis Philomen Andre -Alie
Sunrise: February 18th, 1954
Sunset: November 6th, 2021
A kind, loving, warm hearted mother, wife, sister, aunt and friend
She is remembered by:
Husband: Michel Alie
Children & their spouses: Steve Joseph and famil, Yumi Alie Lake, and family.,Khamie Alie, Sikhanda Alie, Brent Alie
Grandchildren: Yumillio Lake, Celona Lake, Starsher Joseph (in Dominica), Sarita Joseph (in Dominica), Serena Joseph (in Dominica)
Sisters: Izedora Constant , Izaline Fan Fan, Medora Pierre, Angela Charles, Steline Andre.
Brother: Alickson Andre
Nephews: Aldon, Joseph Valrose, Tony, Clement, Bertrand, Arlington, Henderson, Patrickson, George, Alexis, Eddie, Ricado, and Darrington, rest too numerous to mention.
Nieces: Mellissa Constant, Agatha Seaman, Athleen Andre, Vanessa Constant, Andra Richards, Sylvester, Jennifer Allene, Sandra Peterson, Vincia Peterson, Sonia, Vivian Peterson, rest too numerous to mention.
Son in Law: Ceslon Lake
Daughter in Law: Cecilia Marvlyn Joseph (in Dominica)
Brothers in Law: Pastor Louis Constant, Alfred Seaman, Pastor Albert Pierre
Sisters in Law: Amoy Andre. Thelma Andre
Close friends: Orinthia Roberts, Vanessa Gumbs, I’maiyah Barkley
The home going service will be held at the Royal Funeral Home on Wednesday, November 17, 2021. Viewing is from 09:30am to 10:30am. The Service begins at 10:30am followed by interment at the Cul de Sac Cemetery.
Due to Covid-19, the family kindly requests the cooperation of persons attending the service to adhere to the Covid-19 guidelines. Wearing of mask is mandatory and other social distancing rules should be observed at the service.
All services entrusted to Royal Funeral Home & Crematorium