We announce the death of 63 year old Mrs. Bernadette Commodore nee Charles
Address: Morne Prosper
She is survived by:
Her husband: Anthony Commodore
Children: Charlan, Daustina and Elleen Commodore
Her siblings: Norris, Albert, Anthony, Vivian, Lestrade and Jualine Charles
Nieces and Nephews: Josian and Eugenia Jolly; Marilyn, Madison and Kevin Etienne; Domonique and Mariela St. Jean; Dannora Deschamps; Andy, Letticia and Dalton Charles; Jo-Anne and Juliette Commodore; Alvin George; Phillip Alexander and Cecilia Mark.
In Laws: Theresa, Marie, Jones and Ursula, Maurice and Flora, Christopher and Ruth Commodore
Other relatives: Raymond Timothy; Julietta George; Ivenia St. Rose; Joy Joseph
Many other relatives and friends including: The Village of Morne Prosper; The staff of the Customs and Excise Division; Our Lady of Fair Haven Cathedral Parish; The Nurses and Staff of Glover ward (Especially Sister Daniel) and many others too numerous to mention
Funeral Mass Details
Date: Wenesday 18th August 2021
Venue: Morne Prosper Roman Catholic Church
Time: 10:00 am
Burial: Morne Prosper Catholic Cemetery
The funeral will be broadcasted live via Emonews Facebook and YouTube Pages