Dominica Death Announcement

Death Announcement of 61 year Kelvin Rudolph Mc Donald better known as ‘Kelo or Short Shirt of Wotten Waven

Death Announcement of 61 year Kelvin Rudolph Mc Donald better known as ‘Kelo or Short Shirt of Wotten Waven

With profound sadness, we announce the death of 61-year Kelvin Rudolph Mc Donald better known as ‘Kelo or Short Shirt of Wotten Waven. He was a former employee of Ace Engineering Ltd.

He left to mourn:

Stepfather: Joseph Grant Xavier

Companion: Lilia Joseph

Children: Shyka Registe, Esther, Kerwin, Talisha Mc Donald and Nyshia Coats.

Brothers: Rev Jeffrey Xavier, Arthur, Alfred, Shawn, Derek, Bronel, Andrew, and George Mc Donald.

Sisters: Lilian Xavier, Catherine Joseph, Paula Pharaoh, Wendy Burnette, Rhea Samuel and Rosie Paul.

Sister-in-law: Ruby Xavier

Brothers–in-law: Vantie Pharaoh, Julien Joseph and Keith Burnette.

Sons-in-law: Scott Coats and Danny Registe

16 grandchildren        

2 great grandchildren

9 Nephews including Danyan, Dale, Dorian, Dalroy Joseph, Miguel and Mikuel Xavier, Ashfred Norris and   Keithson Burnette.

12 Nieces including Kiandra Jno Baptiste, Ashley Fontaine, Rubilia and Rhea Xavier, Vilana Pharaoh.

6 Aunts: Mona, Cylma, and Isla in America, Patricia, Janet, and Dagma in Dominica.

4 Uncles: Vincent and Cecil in America, Errol and Rupert in Dominica.

24 Cousins

Close friend: Jane Dangleben

Many grandnieces and nephews. The Blaize family in Grand Bay and Morne Juane. The Mc Donald Family. The villagers of Wotten Waven and Kingshill.

Mr. LeBlanc and the team at Ace Engineering. The doctors, nurses, ward aids, at the Imray, Alford, and ICU Department

Many other relatives and friends names are too numerous to mention.

The funeral of the late Kelvin Rudolph Mc Donald will take place on Monday, June 17, at the People’s Pentecostal Family Church in Goodwill. Viewing at 2 pm and funeral service at 2:30 pm Interment at the Roseau Public Cemetery

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