Dominica Editor's Choice



On the resilience agenda, the construction of well-planned and durable infrastructure will ensure that
all critical physical infrastructure can absorb shocks following any climatic or environmental hazard. In
this regard, a Multipurpose Resource and Emergency Shelter (the Shelter) will be built in Bataka in the
Kalinago Territory to provide a haven for 125 persons in the event of any disaster.

Kalinago Territory Emergency Shelter-Multipurpose Resource Centre

On Friday 24th March 2023, CREAD facilitated a pre-bid meeting for companies interested in
constructing the Shelter. The Pre-bid meeting offered interested contractors an opportunity to gain
insight into the expectations and requirements for constructing the Shelter.
Presentations were made by CREAD’s Capital Projects Manager Glen Laville, CREAD’s Senior
Engineer Dr. Genora Joseph, Architect John Francis, Deputy Director Dominica Social Security Mr.
Augustus Etienne and Mr. Darnell Pinard Inland Revenue Division. Attendees benefitted from
presentations on procurement requirements, obligations under the Income Tax and VAT Acts and
preliminary designs of the Shelter.
The Kalinago Territory Emergency Shelter and Multipurpose Resource Centre is a ground floor R.C.
structure designed in accordance with emergency shelter guidelines and building codes and will
conform to shelter requirements for space, facilities, CAT 5 hurricanes and earthquakes. The structure
is based on a subtle combination of key symbolic elements that capture the traditions, culture and
history of the Kalinago people. Legends and key landmarks in the Territory such as L’Escaliér Tet Chien
and Majini Peak, together with the distinctive basket weaving have fundamentally influenced the
architects and are incorporated in the project design. The sinusoidal shape and colour of the main
building which accommodates the Shelter is a clear extrapolation of the “sacred snake”.
This structure will be equipped with stand-by power, accommodation for 125 persons and on-site water
storage of 15, 000 gallons.
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The project is co-funded by the Canadian Government through the Community Disaster Risk Reduction
Fund administered by the Caribbean Development Bank, and the Government of the Commonwealth
of Dominica. It is being implemented by the Ministry of Environment, Rural Modernisation, Kalinago
Upliftment and Constituency Empowerment (MERMKUCE) through the Climate Resilience Execution
Agency for Dominica (CREAD). The Ministry has contracted Anonym’Art Inc. in association with
Consulting Engineers Partnership Ltd. (CEP), John C. Francis and Cecil Davis who will assist with
delivering the project. The meeting concluded with a site visit of the proposed location.
Bids for proposals close on April 19th, 2023 at 2:30p.m.

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