The traditional hunt for jobs in the Caribbean has been a frustrating experience for many. While the region has and continues to make great strides, many countries are still developing in certain respects. Part of this includes hiring practices, which remain antiquated for the most part.
But organizations like Caribbean Employment Services Inc. have emerged to help modernize the recruitment, hiring and job placement process. Caribbean Employment Services Inc. is based in Barbados but operational throughout the Caribbean as a fully digital business that aims to connect the highest quality employers with the region’s top talent. Through its online portal, it provides a range of services to both employers and job seekers alike, and this month, it’s preparing to launch a whole new suite of recruitment resources to bolster its capacity.
“Up until now, jobseeking has largely been a headache for most people in the Caribbean,” said Joseph Boll, Caribbean Employment Services Inc. CEO. “It’s been either you go into a government office, deal with a lot of back-and-forth and hope you ever hear back; or you fight traffic to get to a job fair and wait around in line for limited positions; or you buy a newspaper and spend hours looking through the Classifieds. A lot of people end up relying on who they know or hounding their MP until they can get a job, which is not only frustrating for the individuals involved but also unfair for qualified candidates who may not have that same connection.”
This is where Boll said online services like Caribbean Employment serve to make the process better for both sides of the playing field.
“Both employers and jobseekers in the region need to work on upgrading their game,” the CEO urged. “If the pandemic taught us nothing else it’s that the old way of doing things is not always the best option. In this digital era, it’s time to also take recruiting and hiring online. This saves everyone time and stress of having to deal with unnecessary physical steps and limitations.”
Boll emphasized the wide range of benefits of using online talent acquisition for the recruiting and hiring process. Aside from convenience, which is its main benefit, he explained that businesses and jobseekers can both cast wider nets by modernizing the way they navigate the modern labour market. In so doing, he said, they increase their chances of finding the best match for their respective employment needs.