Celebrated annually since 2015 on June 21st, the International Day of Yoga is an official observance day established by the United Nations in December of 2014. The purpose of this day is to promote Yoga as a way to not only increase physical activity but also as a way to balance physical health and mental health. Yoga improves fitness, helps to alleviate stress and teach us how to breathe correctly. This day is also a day to think about making healthier choices in your life.
Dominica Health and Wellness Association in collaboration with the Karina Cultural Group and the Discover Dominica Authority invite you to participate in a weekend of opportunities to explore the Science of Yoga, learn simple and practical techniques to relieve stress relax your body and calm the mind in observance of “International Day of Yoga” in Dominica.
This year’s celebration will comprise of the following activities;
- Thursday June 20th, Yoga in the Botanical Gardens at 5pm.
- Friday June 21st, Rainforest Rejuvenation Yoga in Trafalgar at 7am.
- Friday June 21st, a health walk, Sunset Yoga, Dinner around the Bonfire and camping at Karina Cultural Village, Bataca, located in the Kalinago Territory, starting at 4pm. Kalinago food and drinks will be on sale. Campground space will be available, however, you may bring along a tent or rent one at EC$10 $ per tent.
- Saturday June 22nd, activities will commence by welcoming the sunrise with Kalinago Shaman blessing and a sunrise yoga session at the Kalinago Barana Aute at 5.30am, followed by Kalinago healing baths and breakfast. This will be followed by the opening ceremony and yoga practices.
This celebration will also provide participants with the opportunity to meet with local Yoga teachers and learn simple yoga practices that can be incorporated into daily life. You will learn simple techniques on how to take care and mobilize your joints, simple breathing techniques to relieve stress and calm your mind.
The day’s event will end with a sunset yoga session. Kalinago food and drinks, crafts, baskets will be on sale. There will be complimentary transportation to the event and entrance fee to the Kalinago Barana Aute is also complimentary. You may contact the Dominica Health & Wellness Association for more information on pick up and drop off points.
Organizers for this event include Karina Cultural Village, The Embassy of India (St. Lucia branch), Dominica Health & Wellness Association, Kalinago Council, Kalinago Community Tourism Association, Kalinago Sports Committee, Salybia Health District, Ayahora Foundation and Satiya Yoga.
For more information on the International Yoga Day Celebrations in Dominica, contact The Dominica Health & Wellness Association. at 767 277 5845 / 295 1655 or email [email protected].