Dominica Editor's Choice

Bureau of Standards Launches Campaign on Labelling Standards for Pre-Packaged Goods and Food

Bureau of Standards Launches Campaign on Labelling Standards for Pre-Packaged Goods and Food

The Inspection Unit of the Dominica Bureau of Standards will be launching a very exciting public awareness campaign from the 4th -to the 27th of April. The objective of this campaign is to educate the public on the requirements of the Dominica National Compulsory Labelling Standards for Pre-packaged Goods and Foods. There will be Publication of flyers on DNO, EMO News, Chronicle and Sun Newspapers as well as the “Did You Know” program and Broadcast of an information video on GIS and EMO News.To culminate there will be a panel discussion/webinar featuring key businesses involved in the manufacturing journey for local manufacturers and agro-processors.Please find attached flyer for your kind attention and posting on your platforms.

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