One day before Barbados’ 55th Independence, the country officially became a republic, renouncing its colonial past after approximately 400 years under British rule.
Former jurist and Acting Governor General, Dame Sandra Mason was sworn in as the first ever president of the Republic of Barbados. Upon taking oath, the newly elected president expressed, “I, Sandra Prunella Mason, do swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Barbados according to law, so help me God.” According to Mason in 2020, “the time has come to fully leave the colonial past behind. Barbadians want a Barbadian head of state”.
Remarkably, the nation celebrated in grand style with a dazzling display of Barbadian culture. The Republic of Barbados joins the countries of Guyana, Trinidad and Tobago and Dominica which became Republics either at the time of their independence or shortly after.
Among the large audience was Prince Charles, representative of Britain, who received the Order of Freedom of Barbados from Mason.
Moreover, pop-icon Robyn Rihanna Fenty was named Barbados’ 11th national hero. “This is a day that I will never forget. It is also a day that I never saw coming,” she added. She expressed her gratitude for being honored and recognized in the soil that she grew up.
In addition, the Honorable Prime Minister, Mia Amor Mottley, voiced, “Let us make our country the best in the world as a small state, but more importantly, the best for the world as a small state.”
As the Republic of Barbados celebrates 55, the grand celebrations continue bearing in mind, the uncertainty which lies ahead. Nonetheless, being a resilient nation, the people are ready to put into action the words of their national anthem, ‘upward and onward we shall go, inspired, exulting, free and greater will our nation grow in strength and unity’.