National Epidemiologist, Dr. Shalauddin Ahmed, announced that the total active cases in Dominica is now 738 as of August 18th 2021. This includes 280 PCR positive cases and 458 rapid antigen positive cases. Furthermore, there are 411 recovered cases and one Covid-19 related death.
Additionally, the total positive cases ranges from seven months old to ninety-two years old, with a median age range of cases being twenty-eight years old.
As per Dr. Ahmed’s presentations, there has been a peak in the Covid-19 curve from August 3rd 2021 to August 17th 2021. Moreover, this peak has been identified predominantly in the Roseau Health District which accounts for 77% of the total positive cases. Dr. Ahmed notes that the fight against Covid-19 is not yet over and persons should continue to adhere to the established protocols.
Further, Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Health, Wellness and New Health Investment, Mrs. Letitia Lestrade-Wyke, stated, “Human and physical resources are very critical in achieving good results. Over the past few weeks several initiatives have been implemented in an effort to ensure the saving of lives and quick recovery of all Covid-19 patients.”
The authorities have had to take steps to expand existing facilities as well as seek new facilities. At current, there are nine cabinet approved facilities that are used to accommodate Covid-19 related patients.
Mrs. Wyke also noted that focus has been placed on human resource particularly the creation of new positions within the medical, nursing and support staff. Notably, positions such as Medical Director, medical officers and medical interns of the Covid-19 Complex, have been created to ensure the smooth running of the facilities. There has also been the appointment of a new Deputy Primary Nursing Officer (PNO) for administrative services.
The Permanent Secretary reiterated that the Ministry cannot combat Covid-19 alone as it requires a national effort. It is the responsibility of every Dominican to protect their lives and that of others.