The RAK & RAY Foundation is currently accepting proposals for community-oriented, self-sustainable projects that will benefit the chronically ill, the disabled and children in Dominica.
The RAK & Ray Foundation invites the general public to submit applications via our website at https://rakandrayfoundation.com/community-projects/. The deadline for submission is June 1, 2021 at 11:59pm AST. Submitted projects may be eligible for funding and other assistance, such as networking, via the RAK & Ray Foundation.
The RAK & RAY Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation, based in Dominica, that aims to develop self-sustainable projects which help the chronically ill, the disabled and children who are based in Dominica.
Our achievements thus far include the donation of 2500 PPEs for COVID 19 aid to the Ministry of Health, the donation of 600 plants to school feeding programs in Dominica and the co-development of the I Have a Right Foundation’s virtual mentorship program for students at the North East Comprehensive School in Dominica.”