A three hundred- and sixty-thousand-dollar agricultural office within the north east region was recently commissioned for local famers and officers.
The project is funded by the World Bank Funding Emergency Agricultural Livelihoods and Climate Resilient Project.
It will serve as a new space for agricultural officers for meetings, sessions and demonstrations as their previous building was damaged by Hurricane Maria. The office will be located at the Londonderry site.
At the commissioning ceremony, Minister of Blue and Green Economy, Agriculture, National food security, Hon. Fidel Grant stated the government has treated agriculture as a priority following post Maria.
During his speech he said agriculture was the first sector to receive support along with the farmers within that sector.
“Maria Not only destroyed crops and homes, but it made us realize that we now need to do things differently. It’s not just a building that is there, it is an office that is resilient, which means that in the event there is another hurricane we are able to resume operations the next day bearing in mind that we have power or backup generator.”
He noted that the government continues to create an environment where farmers can “thrive”. Grant said this environment includes the concessionary loans, concessions of duties and most importantly technical support, which is received by the farmers from this extension.
“I am urging farmers to come to the extension office to receive support. If you are not seeing your extension officer, come in and look for them,” he advised.
“We are in one of the most productive regions in the country and that level of infrastructure is critical to the development and the continuing development of Agriculture within the Northeast region. it is a small part of government’s plan to refurbish and build new infrastructure.”
The minster also revealed that the government will be building and reconstructing buildings in an excess of $US7 million for infrastructure development. The government is also pushing a “significant” investing of 23 million dollars into feeder roads.