It is with great sadness that we the Progressive Reform Movement (PRM), have witness the degradation of the integrity, moral fabric and principles of our nation, thru the very disturbing actions of the government of our nation.
Within recent weeks we have seen playing out right before our very eyes, events we never dreamed would have been spoken about in our nation. we here at this point refer to the most recent scandal which involved Dominica’s permanent Un ambassador and her signing of Diplomatic relations with the government of Syria.
At this crucial point in our country’s history and on the international front, this is probably the worst thing that could have happened to our country’s development. And as usual I have listened and seen how the Honorable Prime Minister have very diplomatically tried to shift the issue to one of an attack on the CBI programme by the opposition party. This has become a very consistent pattern of this government, that whenever a matters of grave concern to the nation arises, that there is always a be littling of the situation by the introduction of some perfectly timed distraction aimed at manipulating the actions and minds of the people.
A very close listening of the speech of the prime minister in which he presumably tried to distance himself and the Government from the actions of the Ambassador will reveal quite a bit of repetition and contradiction. In his statement he highlights the fact that she the ambassador “ broke no law” but in the same sentence is also saying clearly that such an activity requires a due process with communication between the parties concerned and that this has to receive cabinet approval first, none of which was adhered to or followed but yet she BROKE NO LAW. This is rather disturbing, irresponsible and outright unacceptable and as a religious organization charged with the responsibility to be Gods watchmen and mouth piece to the nation, we want to categorically condemn these actions on behalf of the nation and call for the immediate withdrawal of that relation. We believe it is very unhealthy for the nation and will only result in the further deterioration of confidence in our nation.
It is quite interesting to note that with all of the distancing and lack of judgement spoken of by the leader as far as the decision of the ambassador is concerned, he only chose to suspend and not withdraw or cancel the decision. This is absolutely clear to all and speaks volume of the many hidden secrets which may be surrounding that so called lapse in judgement. If the Government never had and never expressed any intensions to sign diplomatic relations with Syria, not now or at any foreseeable time in the future, as mentioned in the statement, why is the decision being suspended and not revoked?
Furthermore, how is it possible that any member of this cabinet or any ambassador functioning under the leadership of this government, is able to make any such critical decision without any prior discussion whether private, one on one or otherwise? Many unanswered questions that surely do need answers and it appears that this situation is in the dying stages and most and many other such concerns. It seems very clear that the relevant mechanisms and machinery in place in this country, to cause persons in authority to be held accountable or to be investigated, no longer have the ability to function on behalf of the people. So as a result the people of this nation will have to decide how we move forward as a nation, whether we continue with the status quo or do we take back the authority that originally belonged to the people. The answer is in the hands of the people of this beautiful nation.
At this point analyzing the very words or the speech of the Prime Minister allows one to conclude clearly that if such a major decision can be taken totally outside the knowledge of the Prime Minister and the relevant authority, there is reason to believe that the ambassador lost all due respect for the leader under whom she served. Additionally it suggest that she felt very comfortable in taking such a major decision without his knowledge and that even if he found out later it was going to be of no major consequence and possibly he might be well pleased with her decision. It also suggest that this may have been what she knows or have seen and is therefore following the set precedence. These all point to one fact, that the leader has lost his ability to lead and that his staff working alongside him no longer have the confidence in him as they should and so they feel comfortable making independent unilateral decisions of such grave magnitude.
So based on the statement that the Prime Minister has made it leaves us to think that just possibly another ambassador could rise at any time sooner or later and make a similar or even worse decision. On that basis we would like to echo the call of not just the ambassador should resign but that the leader who has lost his ability to lead tender his resignation as well. And since as we afore mentioned it appears that in this nation anything against the leadership of this nation is never subjected to due process, we want to state further that as Gods representatives in the land we will take this matter to the highest court where there exist justice and equity, fairness and right judgement, the courts in heaven.
May God bless our people may God bless Dominica.
Pastor Billy Sanderson, Leader of PRM
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