It is with profound sadness that we announce the death of Albert Hilaire better known as Nado at age 59
of Tarreau He died at the Dominica China Friendship Hospital on March 5th 2025.
He was the son to the late parent Alfred and Theresa Hilaire
He leaves to mourn: Common law Wife Johanna Inuel Charles
1 Daughter: Jillian Pierre in Florida USA
1 Son: Al Sylvester Hilaire in Antigua
6 Adopted children: Royette George in Texas, Dennison Hilaire in USA, Lysel, Desma, Jade & Erd in Dominica
5 Grandchildren: Mikayla, Demicco, Azaziah, Maryse, Azariah
2 Adopted grandchildren: Lyreissa & Kereissa in Dominica
7 Brothers: Webster Matthews in England, Charles Hiliare in New Jersey, John Hilaire in Trinidad, Peterson Hilaire, Simeon Hilaire and Bernard Hilaire in Dominica.
3 Sisters: Nathalie Ryan in St Maarten, Patricia Adams and Nora Degallerie in Dominica
Sisters in-law: Jacklyn Matthews in England, Bernadett Hilaire in New Jersey, Nerissa Carbon Hilaire, Marvlyn, and Mary in Dominica
Brothers in-law: Sylvester Ryan in St Maarten, Grantley Adams, Lawrence Degallerie, Elue and Juslyn Charles in Dominica
13 Nieces, 9 Nephew and 11 Grand Nieces and Nephews
Cousins: Royston, Malcolm, Annia, Ann-Marie, Timothy, Joan others too numerous to mention
Close Friend: Gregory Prevost, Cecil, Mitchel Prevost, Manuel, Hayden, Margeret, Barrington, & Fedina
Caretaker: Tessaline
The Hiliare family in Delices and Petite Savanne, Charles family in St. Joseph, Community of Tarreau, Layou, & St. Joseph, Members of SDA of Tarreau & members of the St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church
Funeral arrangement for the later Albert Hilaire will be given in subsequent announcements.