The Prevo Cinemall, in Association with the Waitukubuli Artists Association, will be hosting an art exhibition at the Prevo Cinemall from 7th December 2024 to 10th January 2025. One of the highlights of the exhibition will be a large Earl Etienne painting of the original Carib Cinema, now The Prevo Cinemall, which was commissioned by Chairman of the Prevo Cinemall, Mr. Norris Prevost, some 30 years ago, just before he commenced the transformation of the Carib Cinema into the Prevo Cinemall.
According to the General Manager of The Prevo Cinemall, Ms Vanessa Prevost, “Prevo Cinemall honours and thanks posthumously Earl Darius Etienne, one of the Caribbean’s foremost fine arts artist, for his special contribution to the Prevo Cinemall and his greater contribution to Caribbean History, Lifestyle and Culture.”
Continued Ms. Prevost, “Earl Darius Etienne was born the same year The Carib Cinema was built – 1957. Earl’s capture of the Carib Cinema just before it was transformed into the Prevo Cinemall represents a good catch of the social life of the baby boomer’s generation of Dominica, to which many of us belong. In the Carib Cinema Earl also captures the most outstanding Art Deco building in the city of Roseau”.
Ms Prevost, herself a conservationist, explained that, “Whilst the Prevo Cinemall was able to save the original cinema building for future generations, Earl’s painting captures the entire surroundings as it once was 30 years ago. For this important contribution to the Prevo Cinemall story and Earl’s greater contribution to the history, lifestyle and culture of the Caribbean, Prevo Cinemall is itself honoured to pay tribute to Mr Etienne. By honouring Earl Etienne as part of its 30th Anniversary celebrations we are sending the message to Gen Y and Gen Z that the Prevo Cinemall is more than shopping, eating and celebrating special occasions. The Prevo Cinemall has been and still is a living part of the social and cultural fabric of Dominica. Prevo Cinemall is a unique Dominica experience waiting to be rediscovered by many or even to be discovered for the first time by some”
Echoes of Resilience
The Art Exhibition which will be go on for one month is being held under theme “Echoes of Resilience – Standing against cultural loss and global oppression” will feature the works of more than twenty five of Dominica’s leading artists and will be opened daily from 11am to 6pm here at the Prevo Cinemall.
Shelly and Signal Band Brand Ambassadors
As part of its 30th Anniversary celebrations, the Prevo Cinemall recently signed up Shelly and Signal Band as Brand Ambassadors. According to Shelly, lead Artist and composer for Signal Band, “As I said to the Prevo Cinemall Team during our negotiations, myself and the entire Signal Band Team are very excited about this unique Partnership to be Brand Ambassadors for the Prevo Cinemall. This is a win-win relationship not only for the partners, but for all the various businesses situated in the Prevo Cinemall, their customers and the Signal Band Fans, followers and friends.”
Shelly RE-Discovers the Prevo Cinemall
“Signal Band is a young, youth led Music & Entertainment Business. As I re-discovered the Prevo Cinemall, I can confirm that there are number of small young businesses like Signal Band. For this reason The Singal Band Team is very excited to be able to help promote these young businesses. So it is coming from deep down inside us when we say to you our patrons, fans & friends, Rediscover and enjoy The Prevo Cinemall, a nice family friendly place to shop, eat and celebrate your special occasions in the Ballroom, just as much as you enjoy Singal Band, like Signal Band, and follow Signal,” said Shelly. Presently, the in person registration for Signal’s carnival band – Lumination is now open at the Prevo Cinemall from Tuesdays to Fridays form 11am to 5pm.
The Prevo Cinemall was officially opened on December 18th 1994 and will be hosting a range of activities during the 30th Anniversary Year. These activities will include hosting of cultural performances, Culinary, literary, and other social and educational events, giving the Dominican public and visitors alike, good reasons like Shelly, to Re-Discovering The Prevo Cinemall.